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  1. vorus

    Ideal Distance for 2x 1500w LED Lights

    Do you mean that running the bloom switch on would actually limit my stretching during veg as well and not actually help it grow faster for filling the scrog net although I’m giving more light to it?
  2. vorus

    How many plants to scrog

    Noob question here... those training wires hanging from the lower branches are left from before when you started using the scrog net for training right? Probably after topping? And at what exact point did you choose to lollipop this beauty? Close to right after first scrog training or just...
  3. vorus

    Ideal Distance for 2x 1500w LED Lights

    Hey all! I have got 2 x King Plus 1500w LED Grow Lights ready for a 4x8 tent (of which I will be using 4x6 to scrog 6 plants in rdwc setup). On the product page, it says 2-3.5ft distance from plants would be ideal but that sounds a bit too far away to me, at least for later stages of plants...
  4. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    Get ready to be accused of being my third side account along with @MICHI-CAN :D Anyway, thanks for the support... the docs will at least help me learn more on the topic if no one else.
  5. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    Thank you... I hope I won't get blamed for not hanging around except for when I'm growing again :D I'm not really a forum person but get what I can and give what I can when needed... I'll keep in mind not to eat anything here lol
  6. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    Well, I just can't stand ignorance by any means... but you're right, I'll just let him be as he is. I just wanted to help some people that might have been looking for what I have finally found out after spending some time and make it easier for them. Never expected such a shit show.
  7. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    Please read the first post, I have already attached a scientific paper but this ignorant fuck refuses to get educated so don't sweat yourself.
  8. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    Ooooof you got me! You're so fucking clever... If you would simply click the See More button below that page you took a screenshot of, you'd see my first post was made when I was first time growing. SINCE THEN I did not grow, and there was no reason to be around like a loser as you are... hence...
  9. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    How dumb has to be someone to read the above sentence and understand this? lol A botter account? Wtf is that and what am I trying to sell? Just read the fucking paper I shared and learn some shit you ignorant fuck...
  10. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    You must be a proud Trump supporter... shouldn't you be at the rally with your cult? :D
  11. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    The claim is, if the seed is already going to sprout without any problems, h2o2 won't do any harm, but if the seed is old or deformed in any way that has a lower chance to survive, h202 actually does better. In fact it turned out the claim is true, but not as much as proposed :)
  12. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    It is actually SCIENTIFICALLY proven to somehow work better with a low concentration in a short period of time... but you obviously know better :)
  13. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    Have you even read?
  14. vorus

    Hydrogen Peroxide for Germination - No or Go?

    I have been looking into this method and talked to some members in this forum as well... it is generally claimed by the users of h2o2 that their seeds definitely have a higher percentage of germination rate when soaked in this diluted water for 12-18-24 hours period of time. It is believed...
  15. vorus

    Germinating Seeds

    In a lightproof container I suppose? Do you throw in some silica bags as well? I don't really see the point though, but I've seen it getting recommended, maybe to get rid of the initial humidity you might be closing the container with... and they usually throw the seeds in the container with...
  16. vorus

    Germinating Seeds

    Considering the above user I quoted says he soaks the seeds directly in 3%, your solution of 0.18% doesn't sound so scary... I think I'll give that a try. Do you use a similar solution after you plant them in cubes or just plain water from there on? I found this site that recommends using h2o2...
  17. vorus

    Germinating Seeds

    It's all about how well the seeds are kept in my opinion... There are seeds that germinated, found in ancient Egyptian tombs sealed shut thousands of years ago. But just try keeping a seed a few years in the open and let's see if it will germinate. It might, but it probably won't. Now we don't...
  18. vorus

    How to grow auto flower seeds

    Yeah I used to bleach my hair using 9% peroxide when I young, I know how bad it burns :D 50ml of 17.5% per liter makes a 0.875% solution, which is not ridiculously high considering this other post I mentioned above claiming to soak the seeds in 3% solution, but then again it might be a...
  19. vorus

    How to grow auto flower seeds

    That makes it 0,035% h2o2 if I'm not wrong... extremely diluted. I've read people sogging seeds in 3% for many hours with no problem as well. You can consider going harder with them I guess... but I doubt I'd be brave enough to take chances unless some seeds don't even pop and anything before...
  20. vorus

    How to grow auto flower seeds

    Is that food grade (35%) h202 we talking about?