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  1. Snaddehat

    Driver for Citizen COB's

    Cool, thanks a lot guys :) incredible... 2 useful replies to questions, and nobody is fighting! heh
  2. Snaddehat

    Driver for Citizen COB's

    Thanks! How the hell did i miss that... Would i have to wire in parallel with this? Yea, i'm stupid with
  3. Snaddehat

    Driver for Citizen COB's

    Hey guys If i want to drive 8 CLU048-1818 chips at 50-60w each, what would be your suggestion for drivers? According to datasheet the Vf on the chips is ~52v. Ideally, i would like 2 drivers to power 4 chips each at around 200w, to a total of 400w. I'm having trouble finding any drivers for...
  4. Snaddehat


    @OLD MOTHER SATIVA is the op ;) I was just trying to get over all the bickering, lol Does someone have a useful link to explain this in a way that can be generally agreed upon?
  5. Snaddehat


    Excellent! Finally something constructive :)
  6. Snaddehat


    OP, Here ya go :)
  7. Snaddehat


    Ladies... please!
  8. Snaddehat

    Amare v. Platinum

    OP, go with Timber... I think Amare makes nice lights, but the difference in price to the Timber Vero isn't really justified in terms of how the 2 lights will grow weed. Both lights will surely make you and your crop happy, you'll just save some money with the Timber option.
  9. Snaddehat

    Amare v. Platinum

    With a more efficient light, you don't need as much wattage compared to a less efficient light. You will get the same amount of light while using less power
  10. Snaddehat

    1200W LED Grow Panel from Geyapex, how do you think?

    So, you have this same light with Citizen COB's available? Same price? Same wattage?
  11. Snaddehat

    1200W LED Grow Panel from Geyapex, how do you think?

    CXA 2540... Really? Why the old school tech? I mean, i can understand not using CXB 3590 these days, but CXA 2540 seriously? That's like 10 steps down the ladder. Why not use Citizen or Luminus COB's? They're cheap and performance is excellent. This doesn't make sense to me at all
  12. Snaddehat

    Are you guys interested in Citizen Cobs???

    They can stop selling chips to that company...
  13. Snaddehat

    Are you guys interested in Citizen Cobs???

    Don't know if it's relevant for you, but by now there's a very fast growing and completely untapped market in EU. Everybody wants COB's of high quality, Citizen, Cree, Vero's and Luminus, and nobody sells them. It really is a pain to have to order from Kingbrite, US, or Canada in order to get...
  14. Snaddehat

    Citizen gen5/6

    Cool, thanks for the sheets
  15. Snaddehat

    Citizen gen5/6

    So, these are datasheets for gen5?
  16. Snaddehat

    I've got something that crushes all the other COBs and other lights

    Any idea when these will be available to the peasantry?
  17. Snaddehat

    Do You use under lamp temps or room temps?

    I concur, canopy temps are what you want
  18. Snaddehat

    cxb3590 + mw 185h /// looking for some help here

    What @nogod_ said. Oh, and you're golden with your setup :) I ran the same type and amount of COB's in same size tent, although i used 1 driver pr. COB. Good times await you.
  19. Snaddehat

    Best spider mite cures?!

    Phasers and photon torpedoes! Spider mites aka The Borg...