Search results

  1. Chip Green

    Favorite LED Brand

    I answer questions at their literal level. Now, my favorite brand of LED grow fixture/components, that title belongs to the Horticulture Lighting Group. Bridgelux for honorable mention. HLG is top quality, at market competitive pricing. Bridgelux gets the nod for highest level of adaptability.
  2. Chip Green

    Favorite LED Brand

    Diodes. LED stands for light emitting diode. Samsung, is a brand of light emitting diodes.
  3. Chip Green

    Favorite LED Brand

  4. Chip Green

    Mosca Blue Hindu, and Skywalker OG BX

    That's what I was leaning towards. It's also an open room, so the 6x6 area is typically what I use, could be spread out a few feet if it gets nutty. I think the doubt started to creep in, from my lack of experience with autos.
  5. Chip Green

    Mosca Blue Hindu, and Skywalker OG BX

    I ran into a situation where I have an entire empty flower area(6x6 ish). Since I have to veg out a set to fill it later, I'm going to pull out my first ever run of autos with 315W CMH, and QB96ers. I really like to use Roots organics, both original and 707, sometimes I mix em. Is it insane to...
  6. Chip Green

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Another completed world class level transaction from Bad Dawg and the team at GLG. The Valentines' day order is in my hands. Incredible turnaround, exiting and unique freebies, bonus freebies, and a record shattering 73.4 grams of stickers, and swag!!!
  7. Chip Green

    HLG 650R remove driver - remote mount how?

    I imagine the reason you're not finding any tutorial on such matters, is that it likely hasn't been done. That is not to say it isn't possible, because of course it is, but in my opinion, highly ill advised. I can't imagine something like that wouldn't void your warranty. The only thing I would...
  8. Chip Green

    2-in-1 Perpetual - Setup advice required

    Don't overlook the HLG QB 96 Elite engine. The board/heatsink combo directly from HLG, in my opinion, is the best value currently available, from a builder standpoint. I paired each of mine, with an XLG-200-H-AB. They will pull around 215W on that driver safely. At one time, HLG had a plug and...
  9. Chip Green

    Useful Seeds

  10. Chip Green

    US Seed vendor reccomendations

    I've sent multiple priority envelopes, sometimes cash, sometimes blank USPS money orders, to either, Great Lakes Genetics, The DC Seed Exchange, or JBC Seeds. That's the limit of my experience, never found the need to look elsewhere to be frank.
  11. Chip Green

    US Seed vendor reccomendations

    Ok. That's a fair point. I did infer incorrectly. It does add an extra step in the process, for a physical payment to be sent. For clarity, there are multiple U.S. based souvineer distributors, that are fully trustworthy.
  12. Chip Green

    US Seed vendor reccomendations

    Out of sheer curiosity, why is not taking a "card" a disqualifying factor?
  13. Chip Green

    Help with a Led Strip Build

    I did a few bare naked EB builds with 2 footers. Whilst they still hang, and run to this day, in the event they ever get taken down from their current position, I would definitely add at least aluminum angle, so I'm not nearly as paranoid about breaking a strip.
  14. Chip Green

    Useful Seeds

    This is an F4 Stardawg male. He's the first seed dropped, from the batch of F4s, that I was able to produce, from the "major award" I was so graciously gifted, in the second ever Useful thread seed giveaway. I vowed to honor the label on the Stardawg F3 Preservation pack sent to me by the man...
  15. Chip Green

    Grow-A-Long with Dick

    Is that the feminine hygiene spray?
  16. Chip Green

    240v light controller connection question

    Yes of course. Thanks for that confirmation Renfro. I felt like that was the case, yet somehow, I had this irrational refusal to accept it as fact.
  17. Chip Green

    240v light controller connection question

    So, in one of my rooms I use a Spartan Series 4 way controller installed onto a 240 line. I know the trigger is 120V, I'm talking about the power input here. Im helping another fella set up a room, was suggesting using the same device, but his line is only 120V. Does that matter? Will it...
  18. Chip Green

    Heavens I hope this works.

    I used that same stuff, for my first attempt with STS, out of a desire for extreme simplicity, and it worked perfectly. I made a pile of S1s', and a handful of fem crosses.
  19. Chip Green

    Plants Got Too Tall. Low Stress Training

    Many growers....nay, dare I say most growers, would be appalled, by some of the extreme, high stress "training" I have employed. I have folded over pencil sized branches, deep into flower, on multiple occasions. I'll do it again if I have to. I suppose, it is plausible I've run lucky, dodged...