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  1. D

    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Wow, Charlie Sheen AKA Uclue Ben sure is ranting today lol ...... You are not a user at all UB. You are just a hater and a troll on this forum. 99% of what comes out of your mouth lately you know nothing about and sound like a ranting lunatic. you contantly jump all over threads about...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    Directions on the label ... lol.
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    The Charlie Sheen of this forum has spoken... I knew you wouldnt be able to refrain yourself from posting in here. The reason I posted this was to clear up the garbage in the other threads and PROVE that it works exactly as advertised. Now people can click on one topic and see immediatly that it...
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    Bushmaster WORKS ! Pictures and details inside

    I think the results are very clear for people to see finally. No more arguing back and forth required.
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    Bushmaster WORKS ! Pictures and details inside

    No problem. I dont have a dry weight yet but I think they will be pretty close honesstly. The larger one will be a little more but will also have more small popcorn buds. The main thing is I can fit 3-4 of the smaller plants in the same footprint which gives me a LOT more yield then the...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    To put this to rest I finally got around to taking some pics to clear this topic up once and for all. Bushmaster works plain and simple. If you choose not to beleive your lying eyes so be it. I honestly havent used it for very long but the results were brutally clear. It virtually STOPS vertical...
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    Bushmaster WORKS ! Pictures and details inside

    To put this to rest I finally got around to taking some pics to clear this topic up once and for all. Bushmaster works plain and simple. If you choose not to beleive your lying eyes so be it. I honestly havent used it for very long but the results were brutally clear. It virtually STOPS vertical...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    To put this to rest I finally got around to taking some pics to clear this topic up once and for all. Bushmaster works plain and simple. If you choose not to beleive your lying eyes so be it. I honestly havent used it for very long but the results were brutally clear. It virtually STOPS vertical...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    I need to get off my rear and post some good comparison shots of Bushmaster plants verse non bushmaster. I have omse good side by sides I could do right now of the same strain on the same tray.
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    I agree 100% For Gravity in hydro you can use up to 2 ML per gal. I have been using 2 ML per gal for week 5,6 and 7. The directions used to state 1-2 ML for hydro then they changed it to 1/2 - 1 ML. I didnt get nearly as good of results with 1 ML per gal and went back to 2 ML. Last few harvest...
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    Help finding CO2 gear

    Wasnt it Cerventes that almost died from CO2 fairly recently ?
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    Help finding CO2 gear

    I am not sure I totally follow. The CO2 controller will shut off your CO2 when it reaches your set CO2 limit keeping it safe. I guess if you wanted to be extra safe you could get a second CO2 controller and hook it up to a exhaust fan so if it gets higher the fan kicks in as a precuation.
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    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    Doyou really think it uses 50 gal a day? If you have a 50 gal barrell seems like the water would be really hot after a days use. Would be nice to know how much water they really use in a day on an average sized room like yours. 20-30 gal a day wouldnt be a big deal. Where I live it is all...
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    LOL and that is just a few of the choice comments he has thrown out there in this thread alone. Gotta love a guy who makes his point by tossing out insults left and right.
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    Nope I said you are quite a few steps beyond harsh as another poster mentioned. I simply said you have gone Charlie Sheen on this forum lol
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    Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

    I hear what you are saying and that is easy to listen to. UB has gotten beyond harsh though and moved on to the realm of Charlie Sheen =)
  17. D

    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    Very nice looking and EXACTLY the kind of field of buds you want for a max yield. FYI I know where to get the main PGR ingredient for Phosphoload and can make about 20 liters of the stuff for under $50 if you are interested. What strain is that and what kinds of yields are you seeing ?
  18. D

    I need advice on maximizing yield.

    MOAB by Mad farmer works great and is pretty cheap too.