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  1. Richard Drysift

    Temple ball

    To cook into edibles?
  2. Richard Drysift

    Temple ball

    Looks good but I thought a nepalese temple ball was hash mixed in with opium. Maybe that’s just how my old temple used to roll idk
  3. Richard Drysift

    Mushroom chocolate bars

    They are not legal everywhere but a few shops were selling them around here…well not anymore. Cops shut it down once word got out. I did manage to get my hands on a few of these bars and I thought they were quite vibrant. More potent than I expected; giggles for hours. IMO they are dosed...
  4. Richard Drysift

    They said it couldnt be Done!! Azurescens & Copelandia

    Those are dung loving species; need manure to grow well along w/ perfect fruiting conditions. Try starting on agar instead of the crap shoot with the ms syringe.
  5. Richard Drysift

    Mushroom bag hole

    Toss it & try again using glass canning jars. Make a hole in the jar lid for the syringe & reseal with hi temperature silicone after inoculation or just lift the lid up slightly inside a still air box and squirt inside.
  6. Richard Drysift

    Agar bitches

    Major fail….made my agar too runny this time and guess I was sloppy because everything contammed. Tossed the glad mini rounds due to an unspeakable amount of blue stuff growing along with myc. Decided to start over fresh & get some proper petris and a nifty pyrex flask to make agar. Gonna try...
  7. Richard Drysift

    What Seed Bank Carries Some Of The Best Genetics Hands Down!! (Keeping Pheno Hunting In Mind)

    This is a link to my go to seed bank but there are many many others. These guys have sent me fresh beans every time…
  8. Richard Drysift

    What Seed Bank Carries Some Of The Best Genetics Hands Down!! (Keeping Pheno Hunting In Mind)

    No shit… capitalism sure is a harsh mistress. Honestly they are so many good strains you just gotta grow them right. Select a strain you know/like from a reputed breeder and go with that. Stay away from any bank that has a “hottest strains” list; they are usually marked up with no good reason or...
  9. Richard Drysift

    No power. Could be for a while

    Your veg plants will not begin to flower unless given intermittent lighting. Humidity could be a problem but light is obviously the biggest concern right now. If you don’t get restored in like a week or so your plants will sort of freak out when lights come back on. It will take some time...
  10. Richard Drysift

    how to get glossy/shiny leaves, is it good?

    Probably not good any more; I try to use it up before it gets rancid. Hard to tell exactly where that threshold is because fish emulsion is gag worthy even when fresh. Just don’t forget to put the cap back on
  11. Richard Drysift

    how to get glossy/shiny leaves, is it good?

    Liquid fish fertilizer; Neptunes Harvest w/seaweed weekly in living organic soil. With an occasional worm tea. Leaves shiny and vibrant…
  12. Richard Drysift

    Chicken Shit Tea

    Never gave it much thought but makes sense they put weird shit in fish food flakes. When our kids were little they won goldfish at the carnival ring toss and these mafuckers lived for like 4 years…anyway fed my weed plants goldfish water because I read its high in nitrates aka fish piss… Spilled...
  13. Richard Drysift

    Chicken Shit Tea

    Naw but that’s probably just as good. I use Charlie’s compost brand made in Kentucky. Tried to link to their site because I got rid my Amazon prime account but it’s not secure so… its probably just dried brine shrimp flakes NBD but...
  14. Richard Drysift

    Chicken Shit Tea

    Been using chicky poo as fertilizer for a long time but I wouldn’t try to brew it in a tea. Worm castings are a better choice for increasing microbial activity. Probably won’t hurt much if made soluble either especially if you dilute it a bit. I have put too much chicken manure in the soil and...
  15. Richard Drysift

    Super soil

    Add nothing but water, compost, and fertilizer. Inert soil conditioners like perlite are ok too but if planning to use nutrients anyway just stay with coco. If unsure look for OMRI certificate = safe for organic soil. Pros: Water only Cons: Living soil has bugs
  16. Richard Drysift

    Lowering ph of soil

    One easy way is to add a bunch of active organic material to your pots. Could be a simple worm casting top dressing but brewing the vermicompost as a tea maybe along with molasses and kelp meal should push ph down slightly for proper absorption. Teas go to work much faster than a solid dressing...
  17. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    They were selling those at a local head shop along with “delta 9” edibles. I got 2 last summer and they were quite vibrant;giggled late into the night. Store got shut down recently and I feel bad for the guy who was running it. The state wants their cut…. I distinctly remember when I started...
  18. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    It’s an amazing time to be alive. Several well known spore vendors are now selling liquid cultures of cubensis which I am sure in the past was never a thing. Not sure if the laws have changed or if it’s just that since LCs are sort of a grey area anyway it’s fathomable that law enforcement has...
  19. Richard Drysift

    Mold on the outside of my fabric pot

    Not a problem…all my old pots look like this and worse. Will not affect anything. Don’t even sweat it