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  1. Diesel0889


    Is cloning and a decent ipm THAT hard???????????????????????????. Kidding my garden is clean. May have to get into the clone business lol...
  2. Diesel0889


    This^^^ he said he would reship Monday and he did. I received 2 cuts I never ordered and none of the other 5 that showed up with thrips damage and barley living (bad heat stress and over watered in a big way. I'm not talking shit on the guy but for me there is many I'd rather order from at this...
  3. Diesel0889


    Also a irritating Flava unit from ink as well. Looking like 11 weeks lol... Def some donkey dinks on this gal. 11 weeks+ is irritating to me when rest finish at 10... had to tell someone lol.
  4. Diesel0889


    Got my sour cut and ICC cut from cloney soprano today. They had a very rough transit, all usps fault not him. Praying they will rehab fine.... fucking hate this mail bs. Shinobi_cuts has shipped. I hope I get all 7 not 5 like last time. Least he shipped somthing out right?! Fucking heat...
  5. Diesel0889


    Bas sells the agsil16 by the pound. X amount (grams) agsil16 x water = protekt. Def cheaper and I promise just as good. Makes no difference to me what you use just throwing it out there. Bas has recipe on the agsil page. Way cheaper and the recipe is at the same concentration as protekt. Having...
  6. Diesel0889


    Neem karanja oil mix in veg-week 2 flower along with pure crop 1 has worked wonders for anything I have come across. It has become my quarantine process and basic preventative maintenance in my room. Happy growing!
  7. Diesel0889


    Ya my shinobi_cuts clones were clean 99%. But had definitely had thrips at one point. Trying to nurse them back to health still. Couple were so bad they got trashed lol.. heat stroke Happy growing!
  8. Diesel0889


    Shinobi_cuts has not shipped to me again yet, had said Monday. Haven't heard nothing since. For now I see it as it is. I have many plants I can use for now (thank god). Hoping I get a tracking number today. Time will tell. In his defense I think he is swamped so... im not being a dick. Fingers...
  9. Diesel0889


    Thanks guys waiting on a message back now. update on shinobi_cuts, no messages back for least 4 days. I won't say I've been ghosted yet but never got a ship date or answer back. Will keep updated. Hope it wasn't $320 down the drain! We shall see. I will update as I find anything out
  10. Diesel0889


    Have heard some good things on Dookie farms. Heard they have legit cuts. Anyone here have experience? Thc farmer has lots of good on his cuts. A buddy showed me a thread last night. Would love to hear someone here I know say the same. Happy growing
  11. Diesel0889

    Inkognyto genetics

    Taco taco keeper cut day 52 *I think
  12. Diesel0889

    bodhi seeds

    ^^^^ that be what I use as well.... gooooood shit!
  13. Diesel0889


    Shinobi_cuts did get back to me. I can not vouch for genetics obviously yet but he did get back to me. I sent pics of the BEST looking roots for his reveiw. They had a rough ride. I do NOT think it's all on him. Thus far I respect how he is handling things. Will keep updating the thread. So far...
  14. Diesel0889


    The variegated cut is from fire side. Another sour d cut is on there. Looks like the cut My family held for 25 years, just not grown well lol. Guy said his family has had it for 20 years. If I buy I will know if it's right, that I can assure you. Fortunately I have a good palete when it comes to...
  15. Diesel0889


    I am unsure as of this moment. I only received 5 of 7 ordered cuts. Being completely transparent and upfront. - he did give me a discount - I thought him to have a decent reputation and thats why I delt with him to begin with. - communication has been slow but existing non the less. - I have...
  16. Diesel0889


    Will have my shinobi_cuts package about 1pm or so. Will update on condition etc for those whom may be wondering. Waiting to hear back from Fireside. Wanting to pick up his "real sour" with variegated leaves etc. Also possibly his phinest fatso cut, sour d bx2(hunted from karma gear). Been...
  17. Diesel0889


    @Auntie Janes Nursery what's your handle on strainly. You seem to be liked here.always looking for legit cuts.
  18. Diesel0889


    I may take the plunge on sour diesel and sour diesel bx2 (karma) from fire side. Have most of shinobi_cuts menu on the way. I will update on condition when they arrive Friday. If anyone has had dealing with Fireside let me know how it went and if genetics were on point. I'd appreciate it...
  19. Diesel0889

    bodhi seeds

    I'm bout to cream my pants. Apple fritter has my curiosity but....... the chem 91 VA cut im going to aquire has me unable to fall asleep. S1 AND A BODHI CHUCK I HOPE IN MY NEAR FUTURE!!! Yes of course I'll post pics! Fucking happy! Excuse my shitty pic I just drenched the beds 20 min before...
  20. Diesel0889

    Inkognyto genetics

    What one are you talking about my friend? I have no affiliation with ink other than email, trading pics etc. He has hooked me up more than breeders normally do. His gear has been great to pheno hunt due to the fact its very tough on most strains to choose keepers of. I hold many "elites"...