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  1. Diesel0889


    Anyone wondering about the chems D and 91 can dm me and I'll let them know where to get it. Not from me but I held both for a long time and can be sure they are real. I'm sure his other cuts are prob legit as well. Unlike most on that shit storm of a site he is legit and will do right by you...
  2. Diesel0889


    Mine were clean, no bugs no bull shit. Will check in a bit to see if they were hardened off and see if they sagging a bit or not. Been a few hours now. I misted them in case. They are just on my clone rack atm. No dome etc. Until I flower I won't speak on quality but I have seen absolutely NO...
  3. Diesel0889


    All good man. Scoped for bugs.... there are none. Straight to veg room to fill out 9oz solo cups. Then to the 4x8 they go!
  4. Diesel0889


    Ya dookie is a good shit. Has real shit as well.Was in touch with him recently. Still can get cuts but will be done soon as his legal op will be running in okc.
  5. Diesel0889


    Also not sure if I have room to do rooted cuts or just snips. Trying to figure shit out! If anyone has info related to shipping cuts safely far as me etc. shoot me a dm to keep it out of here etc. Want to hear a few people's opinions on it. I bought and received MANY and only sent a few when I...
  6. Diesel0889


    @Twistedup currently resetting mama's at present time. I'm considering vending for sure and possibly advertise here who knows!
  7. Diesel0889


    Sfv og auntie has atm its on rooted menu . Ask me how I know lol. @Auntie Janes Nursery is a straight shooter and has a good rep here, order with confidence. And I hear cuts are cheap and clean AND REAL! TO MANY BS ARTISTS. Trust the right folks and verify genetics before buying. If they can't...
  8. Diesel0889


    Got me a few cuts from auntie Jane's nursery! Sfv og, glazed apricot gellato and marshmallow og #9. God damn I'm excited! Got a few old gals in my domes along with dookie farms gmo (smf cut). (Skunk master flex gmo) shooting roots in less than ideal conditions. It's kinda cold. 65F-68F in veg...
  9. Diesel0889


    Well I took a chance as nobody has answered me here on Ben's nursery. I bought the following to fill my 4x8 bed. My other bed is waiting on my gmo and ecsd to root still atm.. next 1.5 to 2 weeks that will be full as well. I was lazy and trimming with the women. Ben's Nursery cuts (2)Blue...
  10. Diesel0889


    Has anyone run any cuts in flower from Ben's nursery? The sour and BD I want. Like old shit lol. Auntie Jane also has what I know to be the REAL sfv og but not in rotation ATM! Thanks for any input! Happy growing!
  11. Diesel0889

    bodhi seeds

    Update: I was away for a couple days. My women thought they were leaf hoppers, I think they are thrips. I've never had them etc... got 10,000 green lace wings in the mail today to be released today or tomorrow. I did spray neem oil and pure crop over the last couple weeks. I've been told that...
  12. Diesel0889

    bodhi seeds

    Insecticide soap or pure crop 1 in fogger? If anyone has any input or experience so I can save my bodhi baby I'd appreciate it! Figure its 100 well spent and it prob won't bother my beneficial bugs as much as a spray I assuming anyway.. possibly buy one to clean with as well! Happy growing!
  13. Diesel0889

    bodhi seeds

    I think I've settled on the idea of a ryobi battery powered fogger? For my indoor room. What yall think? For a 12 plant flower room and a small veg area I think it's a good idea. Captain Jack's dead bug should work in it before release of beneficial insects. Breaking into the vault for...
  14. Diesel0889

    bodhi seeds

    Hello friends it's been a minute! I hope everyone is well! My latest grow has been getting issues. I've got little brown in color leaf hoppers everywhere. I've never had them before. Pure crop 1 may help BUT has not helped enough. I have ordered 2 xl praying mantis eggs, 1500 lady bugs...
  15. Diesel0889

    Beneficial insects for indoor room?

    Never had these little fuckers before. I'm seriously freaking out!
  16. Diesel0889

    Beneficial insects for indoor room?

    Well... 10,000 GLW eggs, 2xl praying mantis eggs and 1500 lady bugs I hope does the trick! I have ordered those for now. Those go's damn leafhoppers are in for a treat. Even got priority overnight shipping! My room shall be hopping (in a good way I hope). Thanks to all!
  17. Diesel0889

    Beneficial insects for indoor room?

    Lacewings and lady bugs ok inside?
  18. Diesel0889

    Beneficial insects for indoor room?

    Looking to order today! I very much appreciate the helping hand!
  19. Diesel0889

    Beneficial insects for indoor room?

    Leafhopper is the major problem any suggestions here? Mites are here nor there. Pure crop 1 works great for them if you stay on it!
  20. Diesel0889

    Beneficial insects for indoor room?

    Please only speak if you have legit experience in this arena. Dealing with leafhoppers and a few mites here and there. Was thinking lacewings. Possibly Lady bugs and a few mantis. Again this is a indoor room (basement). Please let me know your thoughts so I can order some asap, the hoppers...