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  1. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    been awhile but here are some pics of today...had some rain here in portland the past few days but the girls seem to have actually liked it and are doing nice.
  2. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    flowering has begun :lol:
  3. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    will see how the weather holds but we have already built a cover that can be put up quickly if need be
  4. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    thx gb....just starting to flower....i was hoping to average a lb that attainable with plants this size given everything goes right?
  5. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    The boxes were filled with a local soil called 'White lightning' which has caca load of great stuff and the field itself is an old grazing pasture that had caca everywhere and after digging to check the soil I found that it was FULL of worms and was a perfect sandy I am going as...
  6. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Maxsea is all I use at the moment.......The boxes were filled with a local soil called 'White lightning' which has caca load of great stuff and the field itself is an old grazing pasture that had caca everywhere and after digging to check the soil I found that it was FULL of worms and was a...
  7. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    No probe so far and yes she does love alot of food
  8. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    another week gone by.....thought grape ape was supposed to be a short bush....pffffftt. They are over 6ft already....def NOT complaining :D
  9. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Not yet.....usually doesnt start for a couple more weeks round here....and thank you :smile:
  10. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    More from today.
  11. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    our season is hit or miss in Portland...but I've never grown in ground this big so I really have no idea what yield to expect with these strains but I'll definitely keep everyone informed
  12. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    I dont know bout 12lbs but I'll be more than grateful for 1lb each of goodness. Doesn't sound like the grape ape and JTR are huge yielders but we'll see :)
  13. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Not sure ........I have never grown out this pheno. Lots of mantis' in the garden...bought an egg not knowing that they hatched like 50 of em so they are everywhere.
  14. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Todays pics
  15. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    Thats how purple...with a little helpful friend on there
  16. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    These girls r getting bigger than I anticipated.....anyone have any experience with grape ape or jtr???
  17. J

    portland oregon outdoor grow

    3 days of full sun and they are loving it. The JTR's are really bushing up
  18. J

    outdoor grow 5month

    that that amount of dirt....1/2oz if you're very very lucky