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  1. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Hey BlackRain Ive given out too much rep in the last 24hrs but I will hit you up here soon and thank you very much for the helpful information, Im hoping something like what you describe can happen for her, cause she certainly deserves it. Thank you all and I'll try and let people know how this...
  2. BluffinCali

    600Watt LED hydro gro-op...5 strains CLICK FOR MORE

    That chocolope is some absolute fire, your for sure going to be enjoying that one, from what I read theres some phenos that have great production and you really cant beat that quality, I would love to try that smoke one of these days...keep that thumb nice and green, Peace!
  3. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Yeah Im sure karma will catch up with this idiot...thank all of you for your responses, Peace!
  4. BluffinCali

    ~Agent Orange Grow Show~

    Lookin great man, keep up the good work, glad to see you and I are on the same page when it comes to P19...that agent orange is bad ass, you got me seriously considering it for my upcoming winter indoor, seems like its by far the biggest yielder from sub's gear, although Ive heard the...
  5. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Sweet thats what I was looking for, something to hopefully have some sort of leverage againsts this far as her paying upfront, she just trusted this person she had known for a couple years and really wanted to help in the process, Im sure he said he needed help or something. Takes...
  6. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Thats some good me I feel like doing all that
  7. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Bascily I was contacted by an old friend that is being ripped off by her so called caregiver. She provided her recommendation at the beginning of the year and also invested $1000 to help with expenses, and even after 2 indoor harvests and now outdoor harvest she has recieved less than an ounce...
  8. BluffinCali

    Auto flowering Hindu Kush day 50 from seed

    go to attitude and you can order from lowlife seeds, along with with many other breeders...Ive had many orders to the US without any problems and I always opt for the guaranteed shipping just in case, Ive never needed it but it makes me feel better that if there is a problem they will re-ship...
  9. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Im really wondering if theres any avenues to pursue that can be used as leverage against this sorry excuse for caregiver, this guy is ripping of a young lady that was diagnosed with MS last year, cant imagine any other caregiver being so heartless and greedy for the seriously ill. I'll make sure...
  10. BluffinCali

    Caregiver not supplying medication to their patient...PLUS REP TO RESPONSES

    Well I was contacted by an old friend who has run into a problem with her caregiver. Basicly she gave the caregiver $1000 up front to help with all the expenses that it might cost mostly for the outdoor harvest. Now this person is simply not wanting to supply the person with any marijuana and...
  11. BluffinCali

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    Oh yeah almost forgot, your Raiders fucking killed the Broncos, that had to make your day a little better, congrats...
  12. BluffinCali

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    Im planning on going to the harvest festival, assuming Im not still not way behind on the trimming Ive got left, only about 30 minutes for me from Red Bluff. I'll check back to see if anyone else is planning on way Im getting caught in Raider's gear, I'll be the one with the black...
  13. BluffinCali

    Actual Value of Marijuana?

    It doesnt matter anyways, Prop19 isnt going to pass, not enough support in the medical community for it really to have a chance...My opinion is we still be better off waiting until 2012 for the JH legislation...although Im basicly against prop19, in a weird way I wouldnt mind if it passed...
  14. BluffinCali

    Actual Value of Marijuana?

    You actually think that indoor pot is worth 4x what outdoor pot is worth, thats just funny, I mean there is for sure more of a demand for indoor weed, but the price will be relative to quality, where and how its grown will be a small determining factor. I bet the common person right now would be...
  15. BluffinCali

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    Whenever I dont buy copenhagen I like husky original, but grizzly isnt too each his own, but nothing beats copenhagen...LOL
  16. BluffinCali

    ~Agent Orange Grow Show~

    Those ladies that are vegging are growing like crazy, seems those AO's respond well to the dbl topping, should have beautiful canopy here after a few months, cant wait to follow this next run, keep up the good work my man, its been great so far following your journal, gotta loves sub's gear with...
  17. BluffinCali

    Medical-2000W--sealed room-CO2-Ebb & Flo-PK,Mango,Papaya, Orange Crush Deisel

    My Niners actually won a game, my brother in-law is pissed, as Im assuming you are aswell...atleast you got some good smoke to kick back to, take care bro
  18. BluffinCali

    How do i use nutrients?

    Yeah it does seem like a very small amount of water
  19. BluffinCali

    How do i use nutrients?

    Pretty sure hes talking about soil
  20. BluffinCali

    How do i use nutrients?

    Im pretty sure hes talking about soil