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  1. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    He doesn't like Christians, he grew up a muslim and they have a lot of oil money. Do you not remember him kissing the kings ring like he was the pope?
  2. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    He was correct. As I told you before PUT THE CRACK PIPE DOWN.
  3. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    "Rrog, post: 13123917, member: 361152"]We're gonna see more fracking, cracking and hacking. Yes no more hacking! Fracking is ok. Cracking= You need to put the crack pipe down. Corporations given free reign with impunity. Some folks think that's good Your right hillery and the DNC were in...
  4. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I don't know that anyone idolizes Trump, people were just giddy to vote hillery for jail and happy to pissoff the stupid, mentally ill and criminals that stupidly voted for the ONE that makes the old mob look like penny anti thugs like she hired to start shit at Trump rallies.
  5. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    More like the laws broken by the Clintons group, DNC, DOJ and the lame duck potus it adds up to some half million years jail time.
  6. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Thanks for the help but I don't have money problems. When are you going to get a JOB buck?
  7. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    If you become a man you will know. If you are a woman as someone battered your venereal? Did you charge him with it? I hope your venereal will be ok. What he was talking about was how a lot of woman are around POWER, NAMES AND MONEY. Looks figure in, how you deal with it, shows who you are...
  8. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Your just mad that he doesn't grab you by your PUSSY.
  9. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Bernies time is over he is a bit player now and he says he wants to work with POTUS ELECT TRUMP. So he saw the light wishes to leave the dark side. He has said in so many words he closer to Trump than the witch. You seem but hurt that TRUMP gets to name a few supremes. Get over it, he is sure to...
  10. M

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Ten times 0 is still 0.
  11. M

    5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle

    Damn more good news, its nice to know it will be coming every day now.
  12. M

    Why do you think the politics section is dying?

    Maybe this is one, maybe you and him do want the same thing but I doubt it. You can't always get what you want, so want what you got.
  13. M

    Why are you voting for..........

    You work hard to be so lame.
  14. M

    Wiki leaks exposes new Clinton & obama war crimes

    You don't shit about fire arms, first a 357 is a higher energy round than 45 40 9mm. second a revolver never jams even with a dead primer just pull the trigger again, three you can shoot any type ammo from a shot shell to a wad cutter, four its as simple and as fast as it gets, pull the trigger...
  15. M

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    Correlation is + or -.
  16. M

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    You ran out of ss so I loaned you 1.
  17. M

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    Photo shopped.
  18. M

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    As do I, and also have a cousin with a fro as good as any black, although it has turned white.
  19. M

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    That is some what off, and everyone can pick where they live, where they go, who they hang with, mostly anyway.
  20. M

    Why Black Men Don't Open Carry

    How many guys does your mom blow in a day, just the ones that you know of?