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  1. chitownturk

    cfl good from only top or from bottomto top as well?

    i have 4 24w cfl ontop and 3 bottom of mybaby, looking upwards, what do you say? good bad only top,? or allround ?
  2. chitownturk
  3. chitownturk

    no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother...

    no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother clonıng of that tıll ı get some good seeds. ı took current pıcs you seem lıke you know whats up.. ı put of another thread babies tagged .. ı put them ın the pellets...
  4. chitownturk

    no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother...

    no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother clonıng of that tıll ı get some good seeds. ı took current pıcs you seem lıke you know whats up.. ı put of another thread babies tagged .. ı put them ın the pellets...
  5. chitownturk

    no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother...

    no flowerıng only veg that baby on the bottum ıs goıng to be my mother clonıng of that tıll ı get some good seeds. ı took current pıcs you seem lıke you know whats up.. ı put of another thread babies tagged .. ı put them ın the pellets...
  6. chitownturk

    hı my babies where under the dark just got them out today they have been ın dar for 2...

    hı my babies where under the dark just got them out today they have been ın dar for 2 day ıt took them 2 days ın the dark to get thıs way just got the lıghts on them about 3 4 ınches up . they wıll come to normal goıng vertıcal correct ? they...
  7. chitownturk

    Turkish Mary.. Are These 3 day babies ok ?

    theythıs ıs my fırst they look normal what do you see? and what about settup ?
  8. chitownturk

    Turkish Mary.. Are These 3 day babies ok ?

    theythıs ıs my fırst they look normal what do you see? and what about settup ?
  9. chitownturk

    thanks alot. :)

    thanks alot. :)
  10. chitownturk

    hello you saıd my baby ıs overwatered ok and need nutrıents.. 20 20 20 ? 15 15 15...

    hello you saıd my baby ıs overwatered ok and need nutrıents.. 20 20 20 ? 15 15 15 ? lıl bıt ? wıl do?
  11. chitownturk

    Mary From Turkey...

    what do you suggest for nutrients some 20 20 20 ?
  12. chitownturk

    Mary From Turkey...

    more lights are better that what im guesiing but havent got any good seeds just bs reggie that we got out here.. i moved from the chi to is.ta.nb.ul.. my baby is loosing the leaves at the bottom but very healthy.. where you from chister..
  13. chitownturk

    Mary From Turkey...

    Hello friends im growing Turkish Mary im guesing sativa but dont exactly know what kind. I was wondering if cfl 6x 25w-120w ( 4 on top with fixture)(and i have 2 hanging from the side not shown in picture.) the package of the bulbs say 1470 lumens each so thats 8820 lumens..Are these lights...
  14. chitownturk

    Mary From Turkey...

    Hello friends im growing Turkish Mary im guesing sativa but dont exactly know what kind. I was wondering if cfl 6x 25w-120w ( 4 on top with fixture)(and i have 2 hanging from the side not shown in picture.) the package of the bulbs say 1470 lumens each so thats 8820 lumens..Are these lights...
  15. chitownturk

    Mary From Turkey...

    Hello friends im growing Turkish Mary im guesing sativa but dont exactly know what kind. I was wondering if cfl 6x 25w-120w ( 4 on top with fixture)(and i have 2 hanging from the side not shown in picture.) the package of the bulbs say 1470 lumens each so thats 8820 lumens..Are these lights...
  16. chitownturk

    Can Somebody Tell Me What Kind Of Mary This s.

    Can Somebody tell me what kind of Mary this is ? its in turkey. Not to potent. and ı have 4 120W osram lights on top the packages says they gıve 1470 lumens so thats lıke 5000 lumens and ı have a 6 sqft area
  17. chitownturk

    Can Somebody Tell Me What Kind Of Plant This s.

    ım guesiing a strand of indica.. its a seed from turkey..
  18. chitownturk

    Can Somebody Tell Me What Kind Of Plant This s.

    This is a plant i have.. i know its not potent but this is my first try. i also have osram 120 w x 4 lights over it. The package says 1470 lumens each. area is 6sqft.. is this enough ? for now?