hmmmm....those names really mean nothing to me....its either rudes, sats, or indica....I grow indica...just my .02
mojo kin call my crop anything I like
lol...probably won't fish much...its healing and socializing with like-minded folk...there is always fish in the lodge freezer that folk forgot...yeah...I'm a freezer
welp...I'm headed to for 4 days...I need a break from my normal life....hippy...keep the goat at home....keep it green folks!!!!
I understand...but I'd rather not poke the bear...keep your stuff to yourself...less self-inflicted pain....buts thats just this old man's thoughts....keep it green!!!!
hmmmmm....being an alcholic for 40 yrs, I like lite beer...its not about the buzz/drunk...its about feeding your addiction without the drama...different strokes for different folks...;))
took a spill when I was evacted...ended up in emerg in Princeton...doc called me in...seems I have had a heart attack in the to pics of my heart ordered...not like I have enough on my plate....grrrrr!!!!
I'm home....gotta rip my front deck off and rebuild it and replace my skirting....anyone wanna play????
mojo still homeless but home...for 2 days anyways...