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  1. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    hangin' in so far....thanks!!! mojo
  2. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    not as good as I hoped...oh well....I kin still laugh...;))) I'll share more later...bad day mojo
  3. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    my neck feels great today...did the dmso, puck, dmso...then a large size elastoplast breathable bandage...but its a 3 pronged attack...maybe 5...I eat the oil that helps my neck...I eat cannibis infused coconut oil in 00 size caps...smoke the rare doob....hit the vape....we'll see.... mojo
  4. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    I had to unlike this are struggling with crap coming from different directions...keep up the fight!!!! mojo
  5. mojoganjaman

    Cannabis for Pain

    make coco butter...then apply to the prob area...cover area to avoid the mess...or look at her with her top off until it absorbs...hth mojo
  6. mojoganjaman

    Cannabis for Pain

    dose she want to orally apply...or topical application???? mojo
  7. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    same here....I'm a stubborn bastard...but I understand one gets out alive...but if we can help those left behind...thats not a bad thing....;)) mojo
  8. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    ehhh...I've been damaged goods for 30+ yrs...not wanting to live forever....I'm just trying to spread my experience with coco-cap run will include ginger and cinnamon...its an experiment...;)) mojo
  9. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    changed it up last night...iso neck....apply dmso...apply frozen oil puck...another layer of dmso...breathable tape...then cheese cloth patch...then the mess this morning and neck feels good...friends are noticing the change in my demeanor ( read a little less of a
  10. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    she is a keeper...only took 48 years to find her....;)) mojo
  11. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    tried a different approach....thats learnin' I dripped oil onto wax paper...then into the freezer for about 20 mins...then the wife peals a "puck" of oil...places it on my neck...warmth from my neck adheres the oil to goo on mamma.s fingers...then dmso...seal with...
  12. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    well...I did report on my first experience with dmso/honey oil...prep was simple....swipe neck with iso...apply dmso then drip oil on paper towel and seal with breathable idea...its a fly by the seat of your ass type thing...I'm just a peeny weeny learner...hth mojo
  13. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    neck is way less aggravating this morn...kin almost open my pie-hole fully...much to SWMBO's days indeed!!!! mojo
  14. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    its about an idiot who maybe isn't...I'm just a rudderless ship on the ocean....')) mojo
  15. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    I put some dmso on location...then heated and dripped oil on paper towel...then sealed it with tape...neck is more mobile..inch by inch...;)) mojo
  16. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    I'm still being an idiot...wonder if a layer of dmso, layer of oil, layer of dmso...then I out there, or not???? mojo
  17. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    anyone know if I kin melt dmso via pin and heat????? mojo
  18. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    I kin pony up....but no idea of the time it will take to absorb..don't really wanna mess the bed sheets up...SWMBO would mojo
  19. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    I ain't shaving my hair....I'll take the chance...good thought tho!!! mojo
  20. mojoganjaman

    got my bill

    good call....thanks eh!!!! mojo