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  1. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Okay sweet, and how long does it take for them to show hairs? Just sorting out how much lighting I need, how tall are they before you replant them to the bigger pot? Oh, and should I use veging lights for the first like 3weeks(or however long until they enter flowering) Um, maybe more...
  2. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    And what you do works ;) Okay, so how do you tell when the plant needs to go into a bigger pot?
  3. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    So about the pots del, when do you move them from pot to pot? Like what sized pots do you use until they get to what size? (what kind of pots do you go through?) Cheers
  4. Millsie

    How many bulbs..

    Cheers man, what stage is yours in? Also, how big is your tree and how many CFLs do you use on it? (just trying to figure out how much money I have to put away)
  5. Millsie

    How many bulbs..

    I'll be growing plants using the 12-12 from seed method so I'll be getting trees around 15"-30"... I have already constructed some lights and they're about 6-7" between them... Is this too far? I was thinking of just getting...
  6. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Sick, that makes it easy... I think I might just follow in your footsteps and get all of those ;D Hell I wouldn't mind a 2oz per plant yield.. How long does each bottle last? Do they last an entire grow?
  7. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Fuck me that's a lot of information... I'm going for CFL's to start off.... 4-5plants and eventually get a 400w... I'm going to need a lot of CFL's... I'm a bit too high, what nutrients and for what? Coco\Soil , Veg\bloom... I got the majority of that line but I'm still a little confused...
  8. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Too late, already bought the soil... I'll use it for one grow then I might switch to coco after my first grow or set them out during my first grow.. actually now there's an idea. So you use...
  9. Millsie

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey Del, Thinking of doing what you're doing man... How high and wide do the plants get? (Designing my grow box lighting system) I'm doing soil for my first grow like this what kind of nutrients do you use? Do you start them off on flowering nutrients straight away or do you wait until they...
  10. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    Sweet cheers man! Dropped into my local hydroponic store, was quite shocked. So clearly aimed at stoners/growers... Bongs, pipes, papers, grinders and a wealth of weed orientated nutrients... picked up some good shit, hopefully it goes well :) Going to germinate my seed(hopefully I can get a...
  11. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    Sweet! I'll pick on up once I have some more cash :) Or maybe I'll get a cheap 250 :P I'm almost ready to grow now...
  12. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    So, Veg: Nitrogen Flower: Phosphorous? + Molasses? Taken from site: ( What do they mean by the ratio 20-5-5 ? Cheers
  13. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    Thanks a lot dude! That's exactly what I wanted to know :) Okay, now I just have to find out what things Tomatoes like... I might just call into a garden center and ask.. What sort of Nutrients should I be looking out for? - Any specific types? (really lost on nutrients) When you say organic...
  14. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    Thanks :) I'ma run down to my local supermarket/lighting store to see if they have any and to grab some lighting fixtures too... When do the plants start smelling? As I might hold off on DIYing a filter if its later in the growth of the plant :)
  15. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    Cheers, I'll have a look to see if I can find them... Brilliant exactly what I was looking for! Half a gal sounds manageable... What about nutrients? Any idea what I should be looking for, should I just look for something that would suit growing tomatoes?
  16. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    I have a small box, H:2' D:1.3' W:1.8' (I know, its tiny) I'm just seeing if I can grow weed and try to guide it where I want it to go... should be interesting. 500cfm fan?! God, that must be loud... I live in a place where the temps are around 15-20 during the day and prob around 10ish during...
  17. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    Problem is, I've got a really small growing space, so If I did get anything it'd probably just be a 250w, or 400w depending how much cash or room I've got... About the fox farms site, yeah I'm kinda hoping someone from New Zealander (I'm almost tempted to post something up) will come across...
  18. Millsie

    Realising CFL is the way to go..

    I've been thinking about a HPS/MH setup but it seemed to run too hot and use too much power for my space so CFL here I come :) I'm a first time growing and after reading this I realized that I have no idea how to grow weed so...
  19. Millsie

    Amount of Fans to Keep Very Small Grow Box Cool (images)

    Well since I'm growing around the corners of the box I should be sweet for the distance from the light... I'll just have to make sure that nothing comes too close to the bulb... I don't want a pissy 250w ;D I'll almost half my lumen output.. Making upgrading to a bigger box almost impossible...
  20. Millsie

    400w or 600w

    Do you mean continue growing it the way I'm thinking of doing it and just read up on how to do it properly..? So, when you put the water into the pot, a lot of water just goes right through the medium right? So I'll have to have a massive water collection tray? Couldn't I veg it for awhile...