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  1. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    So it's ok to be proud that your ancestors were so weak they were taken in the masses to be slaves. Then only because the people who kept you decided to let you free...then other people decided to let you eat in public and vote. You can be proud of that and it's ok. Or, your ancestors were so...
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    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    Ughh, that's gross. It's well documented that in times of economic hardship, the sale of cat/dog food dramatically increases. They are supposedly safe for human consumption. All raising minimum wage will do is make those poor fucker eat more cat food.
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    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    The real people to feel sorry for are your grand parents on social security. Obama has made it a point to give them the smallest increase in benefits of any President in recent memory. Radical raises in the minimum wage are detrimental to all but the poorest (least useful) amongst us. I've...
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    Sorry for the confusion. If I was an hourly employee over $10/hr I would want to murder anyone...

    Sorry for the confusion. If I was an hourly employee over $10/hr I would want to murder anyone who raised the minimum wage.
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    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    I'm not saying that those under the new minimum who get raises in pay aren't better off. They would be. What I'm saying is that those who make more than the new minimum don't necessarily get a corresponding raise. They usually don't. This is essentially a pay cut for everyone else. If...
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    Both. Anytime minimum wage goes up, if you were making over the new minimum, you get a pay cut...

    Both. Anytime minimum wage goes up, if you were making over the new minimum, you get a pay cut effectively.
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    Equal Rights vs Equal Pay

    I didn't know this turned into a minimum wage thread. Funny... Coffee, and bananas are not produced domestically, and our minimum wage has little impact on a Nicaraguan banana farmer, or a Sumatran coffee planter. Milk... one big farm, owned by a corporation, with a hand full of employees...
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    I don't understand your question.

    I don't understand your question.
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    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    I know that concept must seem alien to those who make their decisions on feelings.
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    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    We've all been hearing alot about increasing the minimum wage. Seattle just decided to take the lead and has decided to boost the minimum wage there to $15/hr. I'm glad they were willing to experiment and see what happens. If it's successful there, it will be a big boost to the movement. I...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    All I meant by that was that each gas is the most common on their respective planets. I don't know that I would say they aren't comparable. Earth's history is full of battles where armies of 60k have defeated 100 k armies.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I've heard goldilocks zone my entire life from all levels of sophistication. I've also heard the ones you mentioned. The temperature you gave for venus is not mutually exclusive with life. There are organisms on earth that would enjoy 180f. It isn't conducive to human life, but life...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    The amount of co2 in Venus' s atmosphere is comparable to the amount of nitrogen in ours.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    From my understanding of what I have heard, mars was doomed to lose its atmosphere because of insufficient gravity. I also think that earth is at the far edge of the goldilocks zone, which might place Venus at the near edge. We don't fully understand the exact borders of the goldilocks zone do...
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    Is the idea of small government and states rights just dead?

    Doer, no one is in a mental position to understand most of what you say on here.
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    Hillary to release medical records, continue "most transparent" meme

    I hope that bitch don't win. I'd rather have Howard Dean if a Democrat has to win.
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I read something once that Venus, billions of years ago, had oceans and a fairly earth like atmosphere. They estimated that the oceans there were tiny by comparison and that life had not evolved to also use co2. Since oceans take co2 out of the atmosphere, and theirs were smaller, and the...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    About the penis thing... You may have included a quote from red, but you're constantly droning on about your massive erections and stuff thirteen year old boys laugh at. As to the other, Dr.K has taken the results of many studies and simply multiplied. 100 times as common... At least 5...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    You're not wrong on anything you said there, but there isn't a point made by any of it. Water vapor is more potent, you've denied that previously, thus the debate, you came very close just now to admitting that. Perhaps, since oceans eat co2, more ocean surface area will eat the extra co2...
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    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    That's true, but it's irrelevant. CO2 might stay in the atmosphere a long time, it builds up. And in the 160 years since the industrial revolution started, it's still only a fraction of water vapors levels. I would suspect the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is near constant. It's a...