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  1. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Oh, well the folks who majored in things like african American studies, medieval European art and stuff like that are often the ones making minimum wage. IBR does nothing to mess with supply and demand. Labor is a supply and demand situation. The only people making more than they are worth are...
  2. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    You guys keep arguing with me about this. I admire your spirit and conviction. This is why there are lawyers, what do the words in that statute mean? What was the legislative intent? How have judges interpreted it in the past? Many states have essentially the same law, but courts in these...
  3. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    WTF are you talking about? I never said anything about my personal loans. Stop making assumptions. My loans are already consolidated. This has no impact on me. I think it's good for society. I don't think increasing minimum wage 100% overnight is good because it would suddenly put many more...
  4. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    That's a good point. It's all about your expectations for privacy. When you're on the phone, the way phones work let one expect that only the person on the other end can hear you. If your in Kims house, she can record it. I don't think Kim can plant a microphone in your living room. But...
  5. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    Guys, if Kim let Bob use her phone to call you, it would be illegal for her to set it to record. But, if you and Bob are talking, anyone near by can record it.
  6. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    Ok, I thought the obvious keyword before the more ambiguous keyword I pointed out was electronic communication. Dude a talking to dude b, in a room somewhere, face to face, is not electronic. This law only applies to electronic communication. If you are talking to Bob in the lobby of an...
  7. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    The commercials on tv are so loud if I'm not watching something on tivo I mute the shit.
  8. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    I'm aware of all of that. Key words are important.... TRANSMITTED In a room where party a is talking to party b, there is nothing aiding the transmission other than his own vocal cords. The recording device does not transmit, it records.
  9. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    I don't know if it's legal, but if it isn't congress should pass it into law. Obama is set to expand the cap on student loan repayment. The cap will be set to 10% of income. I think this is a good idea. Anyone think this is a bad idea?
  10. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    Are you sure you're not talking about a telephone conversation? I'm pretty sure I can leave a microphone in a room and record whatever is said therein. On the telephone it is different.
  11. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    That poll was taken in 2009. At that time Democrats were super cool and Republicans were ashamed to be Republican. No doubt in my mind that the majority of those saying independent lean right.
  12. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    I wasn't trying to be that big of a smart ass. I was speaking of volcanic activity, geologic is the proper term. It just looked funny you using it talking about the atmosphere.
  13. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    You're right. The Martian atmosphere is almost exclusively co2. For some reason though I was thinking it had none... brain fart. Mars is not close enough to support liquid water without a lot of help.
  14. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    Higher brass, eh? Dude, I was in there with those guys. They were engineers, conductors, and yard workers. Just so you know, yard workers are about as low on the totem pole as it gets. Even guys that were caught drunk on the job were sent to rehab, and given 80% pay for their year off. One...
  15. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    There is no geology in the atmosphere. I imagine it depends on what's the cause of loss. The moon could never hold much atmosphere, not enough mass. Mars is between the earth and moon in size, and had an atmosphere, but lost it. Since we didn't observe it, we can't say for sure. Perhaps...
  16. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    In the era when capitalism had no restraints the union was a vital and needed organization. Fortunately for everyone most of what those earlier unions fought for is exceeded by labor laws. Unions, like nearly everything else had to keep working to make themselves relevant. They kept...
  17. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    Your father made one poor decision. It sounds like he was making a fairly good living. It doesn't sound like he was saving anywhere near the recommended 15% for retirement. It also sounds like he failed to act responsible and get himself disability insurance. I'm sorry for the misfortune...
  18. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    We don't know that. There is evidence of volcanic activity on Mars in the past few million years. A blink of the eye geologically speaking. Solar winds are not actually wind.
  19. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    So you're doing ok, making 15 an hour. The minimum is raised to 10 or 12, how does this benefit you? You might, get a raise to 16 but it's not guaranteed. Even if you got a bump to 17, you're still closer to the bottom than you were before.
  20. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    I agree. My point is raising the minimum wage be such a drastic amount will harm those who earn under 50k per year.