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  1. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    The point is we have. If you've climbed the ladder a few rungs, gotten to 15/hr you're pulling in about 40k. If you have the opportunity for over time, even more. raising the minimum wage from 7.5 to 10.1 would be like cutting the bottom two rungs off the ladder. Suddenly you're much...
  2. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    Firstly, I don't believe this story in the least. But it's hysterical if true. I love the irony of black people working in a cotton wear house. It's almost like he is asking for irony.
  3. B

    I lol'ed

    Congress can sometimes to a better job by not passing more legislation. I like how that meme left out the 1994 contract with America. Probably one of the most successful, in terms of doing what they said they would do, political campaigns in American history.
  4. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    Minimum wage increases are pay cuts for the hard working.
  5. B

    Is the idea of small government and states rights just dead?

    I thought when I first got around he was some kid from Uzbekistan or something. He writes at a 2nd grade level. I don't know how he ever graduated high school.
  6. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    I think that shits funny, if it's true. This supervisor probably thought they were friends. If the supervisor hated this black guy, they would have fired him. The black guy is obviously the shittier of the two people. Secretly recording, or simply staging a recording because he is a bitch...
  7. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    My fucking race learned that trick from the mongols who 190 years earlier infected my fucking race with the black death. My fucking race was forged in a bloody struggle of steel. The week will crumble, only the strong survive. It's called natural selection.
  8. B

    Supervisor threatens to hang worker for drinking from 'white people' fountain

    The supervisor was obviously just fucking around with him. Why do blacks have to be so sensitive about this shit? Tennessee is a right to work state, if they wanted him gone, he'd be gone. Instead the supervisor is funny. And the black guy has sand in his vagina.
  9. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    The only bad part about living around a bunch of rednecks is that the deer don't get too big.
  10. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    Don't harm them too much. You could open a reading stand. You don't even then have to deny them, since they don't read good.
  11. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    Black and other minorities get subsidies and grants from the federal government to start a business. I don't have a huge problem with that. my problem is the tax credits and subsidies they get, for years on end. It's hard to compete against a business that gets tax money instead of pays taxes.
  12. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    That's a big fucking buck! I know a lot of red necks around here that would love to spot light something like that.
  13. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    I've never read them. I didn't think there was much slaughter. I thought they just gave then all small pox blankets. I know there were battles, I know there were mass executions. But fairly small. You got a link? I like to read stories of the glorious subjugation of others at the hands of...
  14. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    Why do you think I'm gay? Anyway, I've got well over a year clean now, not that the battle is over, but I know how to fight it now, and when I fight it I win. Anyway, I was 50 cents above the minimum wage there. But I have plenty to be proud of. For the first time in my life, everything I...
  15. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    The turks weren't at Thermopylae. Eastern anitolia was persian. Most of it was semi autonomous with something like vassal status to Persia. Western anitolia was Greek colonies. Weren't the turks a nomadic people that didn't come to anitolia until well after all that business with Thymostaclies?
  16. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    I almost wish that the Aztec would have just fucked them up and Cortez is remembered like the legions that disappeared in tutenbourg (sp? don't feel like looking it up) forests. Then there might have not been so many follow. The Spanish coming over in the early 1500's were pre enlightened...
  17. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    Millions of everyone was enslaved by millions of everyone else. If you were a crusader, you fought, if you lost you were enslaved. I didn't say white people were super humans. They can, and have been beaten before. If you'll notice, white people split, the Greek east and Latin west schism...
  18. B

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    They weren't always with him. Cortez was in the capital city with just a couple hundred of his men, he snatched the emperor and cut a few Aztecs. Yes, he did get some assistance. But he also did stuff without them.
  19. B

    Real reason Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

    When you do something that people like they give you certificates of appreciation. These are green, mostly, and have pictures of dead presidents on them. If you're 30 years old and your life's compilation of skill has resulted in a minimum wage situation, you're a failure. Yes, I was 30 and...