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  1. RavenMochi

    Average age of RIU members?

    :shock: that shit is unreal! where the fuck are they keeping their shit at?! can they still have children after wearing those things?!!
  2. RavenMochi

    Average age of RIU members?

    If I didn't like my avatar so much, I would replace it with that.. Fuckin awesome... :blsmoke:
  3. RavenMochi

    Average age of RIU members?

    damn, turn 32 in 2.5 months. I'll be in the 13% bracket. Damn kids, overrunning the forums, steppin on my lawn, pissin on my furniture!! with their loud music, and fornication! ;)
  4. RavenMochi

    Average age of RIU members?

    †L† seriously?! When you said that incident when you were 18 happened a long time ago, I was figuring you were closer to my age... didn't see that coming. 31
  5. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    latest nintendo that I had was a gamecube eternal darkness :twisted: game kicked so much ass it makes me want a gamecube you must look it up have not had a wii but have played it, kicks much ass, will not get one though.
  6. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    morning not my friend, must hold out till saturday, mary will comfort. Murphy's demonic he leaves his form everywhere, fuck that sorry ass prick :p
  7. RavenMochi

    Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

    MURDERER!!! :cry: †L† all good, live and learn...
  8. RavenMochi

    People BE fukn up my SHIT. read and comment if u'd like.

    and I'm sure you give all your weed away for free. :roll: Don't act like money's not part of it, you full of shit, or you'd be selling that shit at schwag prices. †LOL†
  9. RavenMochi

    Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)

    words silent as void, I choose to reawaken, basho is bored thread. mornings kick my ass, forgotten monotony, coffee my savior. saturday brings back my love affair with mary, I shall burn her down :twisted:
  10. RavenMochi

    2 x 40ft containers underground!

    Honestly, as much as I don't like saying this, you'd want at least one partner you can trust. Heavy machines, one person, alot of shit that can go wrong, even for the experienced. Those kind of forces it only takes a heartbeat for shit to go awry and cause a major injury. The last thing you want...
  11. RavenMochi

    Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

    They don't go much on others opinion, or any form of logic past you volunteering, but if Roast does take my opinion into consideration, I think you would do great. I didn't think they would need anymore mods with as many as we have, but some were added to another section, so who knows. Would be...
  12. RavenMochi

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    about that monkey start getting rusty when not in use... :twisted: Pretty much like assuming every heterosexual eyeballs 11 year old girls. O.O
  13. RavenMochi

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    Wow. Seriously. Thats the best you could do. *sighs* Our education system fails us again. Speaking of hitler, two of you would have gotten along fine. Both trying to persecute the shit out of people that match your description.
  14. RavenMochi

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    1) That statement didn't even make sense...supports?! maybe?! I don't know. Actually, I went and had a kid. I don't support or denounce what anyone does in the bedroom, why? Cause its none of my damn business. If it gets them lit, more power to them. 2) Yea, dude, whatever, right there you...
  15. RavenMochi

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    So...if I'm understanding this....if we let gays marry, tomorrow people will be marrying their dogs, the day after people will be marrying their dildo's and blow up dolls, and...I'm confused...then what?! What the fuck is going to happen that is so catastrophic I should give a shit?!
  16. RavenMochi

    Gays are Human too, just confused

    Yea, dude, your trying way way to hard. Hints at shame...we'll get back to that... Wow. come up with that all by yourself? I'm sensing lots and lots of tension....again, we'll come back to this. Actually, he wasn't making it up, it was pretty heavily implied. By you. Perhaps you should look...
  17. RavenMochi

    I Miss The 90s

    Regina King back in '95, fuck that women was hot.
  18. RavenMochi

    Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

    Thats what I'm hoping for my mums.
  19. RavenMochi

    New law says cannabis with more than 15% THC is now a hard drug

    If they were going to go through all that trouble they should have unified to make it all legal, get everyone registered, then illegalized the shit out of it again. As its done now their are enough black market growers that they'll never get rid of the quality genetics. bwhahahahaaha fuck 'em...
  20. RavenMochi

    Let The Battle Begin.

    †L† your a sick man...a sick sick man...