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  1. faller200

    Urgent, brown algae in undercurrent.

    Pondzyme works great and cheap too.
  2. faller200

    Urgent, brown algae in undercurrent.

    Welcome to the slime club. Good Luck
  3. faller200

    Black Root Tips

    Welcome to the slime club. good luck
  4. faller200

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    Wait till ya get spider mites. There fun too.LOL
  5. faller200

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    The slime is like AIDS fairly easy to prevent and nearly impossible to get rid of. I have never been able to stop it after it has set in and I have tried just about everything that people have told me to try and still the slime lived on. If I ever get again i will just toss the whole grow out...
  6. faller200

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    This thread is nothing more than the blind leading the blind. Good luck buddy.
  7. faller200

    Anyone a bubbleponics pro?

    Why is it so hard to get new growers to understand that the key to eliminating problems is to prevent them. Why do they wait till they have a problem and then want to fix it.
  8. faller200

    2 gallon bucket?

    The biggest problem with the smaller containers is that it's harder to control temps and PH and they will require that you be right on top of keeping the water level up. Other than that I don't see a problem.
  9. faller200

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    I like the drops. They work great. If it's green bring it down a bit, if it's orange bring it up a bit and if it's yellow leave it alone. You don't have to be rock steady at a specific magic number. In fact it should wander up and down just stay in the ballpark. Those expensive meters won't do...
  10. faller200

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    I have to say that I did not post that comment to put anyone down. I posted it as the best advice I can give to a new grower. I too had many problems when I started DWC. DWC is a simple and productive method of growing. Note I said that is was simple not easy.
  11. faller200

    sick plants with deficiency. need help.

    I don't know how many times it needs to be said but new growers need to learn to read the forum I would like to see everyone have a successful grow. Way to many questions about fixing problems and the real answer to to prevent the problems. All that info is here already and just needs to be...
  12. faller200

    i need help freaking out

    Cal-Mag is a much better option than Epsom IMO
  13. faller200

    i need help freaking out

    There is so much info in this forum. The first thing a new grower should do is read the forum, read the instructions on your nutes. All the questions have been asked before and answered already. Read Read Read and make your own decisions based on what you learn
  14. faller200

    120 Plant Perpetual DWC SOG

    i also have a roughly 7' X 5' room and I'll tell ya right now . I don't care how many plants you stuff in there or how many 1000 watt lights you have. The room will only produce what it can fit in that space. I've done 5 large plants and 25 smaller plants and the yield has been about the same. A...
  15. faller200

    Do they actually grow faster in a hydroponic system?

    IMO Hydro will defiantly grow faster and grow larger plant during veg but if a strain takes 8 weeks to flower in soil it will still take 8 weeks in hydro. You save the time on veg only.
  16. faller200

    DWC cloning

    2 -3 weeks is normal. I never could figure out why people think they need roots in 3 days. If someone tells you that they got roots in three days most likely they are bending the truth a bit or got very lucky.
  17. faller200

    brittle super curled ~ wavy leaves! help?

    I would say the same. Too wet. I hate rock wool.
  18. faller200

    Brown Spots on Fan Leaves

    Holy shit!!! A whole 9 hours without seeing your plant??? OH NO!!! How is it ever going to survive?? LOL I love some of the things new growers say. Peace brother and happy growing.
  19. faller200

    root slime? DWC and organics dont mix?

    it's much easier to prevent "The Slime" than to get rid of it after you already got it. I think it's just something that all DWC growers are going to get from time to time. Good luck and I hope the mites don't get ya next. LOL
  20. faller200

    Pro drainage kit

    As an old school grower, I find all the hype, fancy marketing bullshit quite entertaining.