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  1. S

    What did I breed?

    Are you sure your roots were rotting? I just got a scare few days ago when I peeked at my roots and saw them being redish-brown color. On closer examination it turned out being just soil particles from EWC dyed by the nute mix. If you suspect root slime after EWC, always take a sprinkle bottle...
  2. S

    Starting seed in hydroton w/o rockwool?

    Ok, for a 10 bucket system that takes a lot of drilling, fitting tubes and shit, I can see where you are going, but for a single bucket system, come on, it's like changing a lightbulb, not like making a car.
  3. S

    Starting seed in hydroton w/o rockwool?

    My 6 inch net pot is 11 cm deep and radius is about 7.5 cm. Simple calculation puts it's volume at 1942 ccm or about 2 liter. 2 gallon is 7.5 liter. That's not even close. I think plants would do much better in a good old DWC bucket and larger plants couldn't even grow in that kind of space.
  4. S

    Starting seed in hydroton w/o rockwool?

    I really don't like this system at first glance. I mean, the idea of pumping some water around VIA air pumps seems interesting, but I don't see the point of having 2 gal of hydroton in your bucket and a top drip instead of just having a netpot of hydroton to provide stability and filling the...
  5. S

    Humic and fulvic in hydro, root problems?

    Humic and fulvic acids are very stable organic compounds, thus not digestible by most microorganisms. They will not feed evil microorganisms in your res.
  6. S

    Smoking with a date (to smoke or not to smoke)

    Well, don't come with weed on you. Stash it or something
  7. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    I agree that those additives you mentioned above are quite safe. Still, problem is, you have nothing to prove you are an expert (not at first glance). Someone looking for info about how to grow will run into about hundred of guides just like yours, and some will be recomending really bad things...
  8. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    I have no problems with the fact that bennies are low on your list of adidtives to consider. Only problem I have is with the fact that you present them as a very advanced thing that is not for an average user. What I'm trying to argue is that they are not more advanced or dangerous then the...
  9. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    Well, no. Go to a hydrostore and ask for some aditives to make your plants grow better. Chances are you'll get shitload of "biiig budz", "root monsterz" and other funny sounding products that sell with a promisse of making your plant grow biggest buds ever in ridiculously short time. If you do...
  10. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    Well, that's it, you are talking about what you found out works for you, I'm adding my 5 cents. But I must correct you again. There are two very different things you seem to be mixing up. One is making an organic hydro solution with bacterial culture, and other is adding microorganisms to...
  11. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    There are products like great white and ZHO that are basically microbe spores. Those are safer then most other aditives. By adding them you are adding really insignificant amount of organic matter, and you really have to try hard to overdo it. Then you have microbe tea brewed by bubbling water...
  12. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    Not exactly true. There are different kinds of metabolism, but in a good batch of tea, there should be enough different kinds bacteria to be able disolve organic matter fully. There are probably going to be some byproducts root rot bacteria likes, but this way big portion of them will be...
  13. S

    Which additives to choose and which not.

    "Micro-organisms/enzymes, bacteria, fungi cultures, worm castings, compost tea are ALL reserved for the experienced organic grower do NOT add any of this to your chemical grow !!! It WILL do more trouble than good!" I wouldn't agree with that one. First, inoculating your inorganic grow with...
  14. S

    H202 and algae advice please

    Just never use H2O2 AND tea as one will destroy the other.
  15. S

    is this a new technique?

    I'd rather stick with my DWC bucket where I control the pH, nutrient levels and everything. Going half way here seems to cancel out most of the benefits of both sides.
  16. S

    H202 and algae advice please

    If you want my advice, don't use H2O2 except maybe for a quick wash, and certainly never use milk (or anything else organic). Brew some mocrobe tea, and you should be fine.
  17. S

    Starting seed in hydroton w/o rockwool?

    That's how I do it. I've been doing rockwool before, but had nothing but trouble with it (rockwool had a tendency to become too wet and become an infection site). I've started testing with some bad genetics seeds and noticed it's very easy going straight into hydroton. I soak my seeds in RO...
  18. S

    First Time Hydro, unsure problem

    Discoloration is not a problem if there is no slime. From my experience, specially with hydro, problems like that are most often caused by root system not doing its job properly. I'd check there first. Do your roots have enough growing space, are they suffering from some kind of infection, do...
  19. S

    First Time Hydro, unsure problem

    Is the root slime problem totally cleared?
  20. S

    Small DWC - how many plants?

    Depends much on your desired plant size. My last grow was SCROG with two plants vegged for two month and 40 L was s tiny bit small at the end (roots fit but I had to change res every 5 days). If you want smaller plants, you could ofcourse put in more. On the other hand, I don't really thing...