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  1. D

    soap??? wetting agent????

    Personally I like cocowet for around $35 a gallon. I have used soap in a pinch. As for the whole "oil companies are out to get you" You do realize that EVERYTHING you buy practically is out to get your money. That is what makes an economy work... money and profit. If someone is willing to pay...
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    Cloning Question: Please Read!

    That wil be fine and it will still be an exact copy.
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I dont like most Kushes Yields. Original Bubba yields are terrible, great smoke but terrible yields. Master Kush is pretty good yielder but hard to clone prone to PM. I have a Banana Kush that has HUGE colas and smells very dank. I am finishing some up as we speak. Look into Cheese. Would be...
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    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    I dont know how I missed this but GREAT JOB !!! Man what I would do to have a nice workspace like that !! 8K for vegging wow that is a lot. I have 11K for bloom right now and only 1-600 watt, 15 -55 watt T5s, 2- 35 watt CFL and 2- 50 watt floros. So 12.6 K total. I am doing smaller plants in...
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    Aggressive "Defoliation" Pruning Technique Test

    You get TONS more stretch and vegatative growth after the switch though. Hell I never even really trim my plants until they hit the bloom room. Usually start week one and heaviest cuttin at week 3. After 21 days no more cutting . The thing is all those little side leaves will get big to...
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    Found a strain that finishes in 34 days !

    I'll try to get down there today. I looked under a scope and the trichs are mostly cloudy meaning they are done. I did use Bushmaster on them so it might have cut the bloom period down, not sure. I dont care honestly , as long as they normally finish in 7-8 weeks. Quality looks...
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    Advanced VS House and Garden VS GH - Surprising results !!

    Hey I am not knocking AN or H&G, they both work very well. I simply get a little better results for half the money with the GH dry combo I am using. I have since added Hydroplex in place of AN Big Bud and now not only do I get the same mid flower weight but the quality has gone up a notch...
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    Aggressive "Defoliation" Pruning Technique Test

    A mthod I have adopted last few grows that works very well is as follows. Instead of removing any actual full leaves I remove all but the large single blade on a leaf or sometimes leave the large single and a couple of the smaller. THus allowing a lot more light in, better airflow and still...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    I hear ya, life is too short to waste it on people of his nature. Its just damn hard to ignore them when you are minding your own business giving your input only to have him take a big dump on you and others around you. What thread do you have with 600 posts ? Need to check it out.
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    Advanced Nutrients PM/PPM Perfect is Awesome!

    I havent used AN in a long time (funny I started this thread too) and I never had any difficiencies at all with Sensi Bloom. Only problem I ever had with their product was the price .... Hence I moved on to the products that work as well for less then half the cost.
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    I couldnt agree more but unforunatly UB and a few select others have such a huge angry chip on their shoulder they need to constantly vent. THese forums give them a "safe" place to do it unlike the real world where someone would punch them square in the face for making one of those comments. It...
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    LOL subpar results. Maybe you just looked at that one plant and not the whole tray. WILL be pulling around 6 lbs off that single "experimental" tray of grade "A" top shelf MJ, but I guess guys like you are better at throwing insults then growing so whatever floats your boat.
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    Pot calling the kettle black Benny Boy ? LOL...... Wow, delusional much ? You have made it your mission to trash talk in every thread you dont 100% agree with. Soooooo sensitive when s its your own thread though..... You really need to wake up from this deep angry sleep you are in my friend...
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    Found a strain that finishes in 34 days !

    I will add that these Grapefruits now have HUGE rock hard buds covered in trichs. I'll get some pics up in the next week. Smell is very strong too. Definetly could be picked at 39-40 days. It is 42 days today and looks very done. Still need to flush though. Looks like I picked up a real winner !
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    Bushmaster WORKS, period !! Gravity Works great too ! Pictures inside !

    Reading is not your strong suit I take it and you seem to be birds of a feather with UB looking at all your insults and name calling in a single post . That takes talent my friend. *sigh*. Certain strains and the only table I had a lot more on was the table that I treated with bushmaster. Was...
  16. D

    Omfg i may have just perfected cloning!!!!

    Yeah wow, well he sure made up for it with his last post ...... I dont know, I mean last night I eft my room that was only 3 weeks into bloom and woke up this morning and my plants were all done and ready to chop !
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Are your pants on fire ? You might want to check. Your ability to lash out with insults at the slightest hint of being threatened, equals your ability to decieve. I just dont get you UB, so much anger in your posts.
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Wow, looks like he has learned a lot from UB in more ways then one .....
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    :clap::clap::clap::clap: Bravo Collectivegarden I couldnt have said it better myself :clap::clap::clap::clap: Maybe write a how to book on how to get banned from forums ???
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    It matter because it completly destroys any and all credibilty UB has. He had to have known it was an established technique and knowingly claimed it as his own. He quoates old grow books like they were the bible so I dont beleive it was an honest mistake and he really thought he came up with...