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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    Btw, checked trichomes today, saw mostly milky, 5% amber and 5% transparent.
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    I have a laundry room that gets plenty of air circulation from the outside, it gets indirect dim natural light. I live on the beach and this is the season with the least humidity and heat, 78f during the day, 60 at night
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    As dry as I can to avoid mold
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    OK, I will follow your advice and just reduce the amount of nutes and not flush. I have another question. I was planning to not watering the plants for 3-4 days before cutting in order for them to dry faster when drying. I think I heard that somewhere, and also to avoid mold. What do you think...
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    Why no flush, bro? This is what I don't understand, I don't want to smoke harsh smoke and fertilizer taste. I'm serious, please explain.
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    Here's an interesting after before picture. It fattened up a lot and most hairs are orange now.
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    So right now 70% trichomes are cloudy 25% transparent 5% Amber. I'm doing 1 more week of fertilizer, and then 1 week of flushing and then CUT. What ya think?
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    Recommend a strain to get horny

    All of those seem hard to get.
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    Is a humidity dome necessary in an air cloner?

    Thanks. I have Southern Ag as well, so I will use it, but I never had success cloning in root riot, I mean, I live in tropical weather for Christ sake.
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    Is a humidity dome necessary in an air cloner?

    I was cloning in a DIY cloner done with a tupperware and an air pump, hose, and stone with water and after 2 weeks I got roots, however, humidity was high, probably due to the extra holes through which some water splashed out from the popped bubbles. The thing is, the clones developed heavy mold...
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    Recommend a strain to get horny

    That's right, I have tried Stitch's Love Potion and it makes me super horny BUT of 8 regular auto seeds only 1 germinated. I had heard similar problems from other people, so what other strains out there do you recommend?
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    Fixing root rot: Hydroguard v Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

    Thanks for the input, thats why I added the Southern AG GFF. I'm not paying for a chiller, so let's see.
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    Fixing root rot: Hydroguard v Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

    Is this root rot? Am I having an issue? If it is root rot can I fix it with h2o2 baths? The only other issue I have is high temps that I cant control. Also, just added Southern AG GFF
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    Gonna get some pics when the sun goes down, too intense now. Why not flush?
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    Stich's Love Potion grown in my balcony

    Hi Joe, merry christmas! I have checked my babies today, and both the Stich's Love Potion and the Choco Candy by Zambeza look ready already, as in most of the trichomes look milky and there's like 10% of amber trichomes. I'm just going to give them 1 more week of ferts and then 1 week of flush...
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    Fixing root rot: Hydroguard v Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

    Interesting, I will be monitoring closely to see whether I go for the WC or not. One of my reservoirs actually kept itself super clean and nice for a whole month.
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    Fixing root rot: Hydroguard v Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide

    Bump. I bought the Southern AG, took 1 ml, mixed with 20 ml RO water and applied it to my DWC reservoirs at 1ml/gallon today. When should I repeat the dosage? or should I repeat the dosage at all? Frankly, I'm not thinking on doing water changes, why? Because a local pro told me so: he says...
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    Clones got mold and died, how to prevent?

    Wow, though it is so simple why nobody is using it? Seems unreal. It seems perhaps the reason my clones seemed dehydrated by removing the dome may not have to do with lack of humidity but strong light. I had a low PAR LED lamp nearby, not really above them, but next to them and above. From what...