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  1. TaoRich

    K.I.S.S. method for this grow. First attempt at outdoor.

    I start with: Step 1 : cotton wool seed germination Step 2 : then into polystyrene coffee cups Step 3 : then into 4.5 litre / 1 gallon black planter bags Step 4 : then into final pots - I am using 25 litre / 6 gallon pots So for soil ... another hard lesson from personal experience ... Step 2...
  2. TaoRich

    K.I.S.S. method for this grow. First attempt at outdoor.

    The sooner the better, provided it is warm enough outside and a bit sheltered from any hectic wind. Sheltered inside without good strong sun for too long is bad bad bad. The little seedlings stretch way too much trying to reach out for proper light. That makes them tall and skinny ... with...
  3. TaoRich

    mag deficiency?

    Not to be unnecessarily rude ... but the boiling water makes no sense to me. The point of unsulfured black strap molasses is the natural rhizobacteria content ... all the beneficial life that inhabits the surface of growing sugar cane, that is still left alive after the crushing process to...
  4. TaoRich

    Aloe FPJ (Fermented Plant Juice)

    I had to look up that acronym. What I found is worth sharing for others who may not have come across it before. What keeps astounding me is that the 'most progressive approaches' always boil down to 'natural holistic common sense'. I...
  5. TaoRich

    Aloe FPJ (Fermented Plant Juice)

    Thanks for the inspiration. We don't have Aloe but we've got loads of these growing in our garden. Prickly Pear Cactus I'm in the last month of bloom stage before harvest of my Southern hemisphere outdoor plants. Going to harvest some fresh cactus this morning - while trying to avoid those...
  6. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Doesn't most "food" in the US contain non-nutritive objects ? Or at least plenty of non-nutritive ingredients.
  7. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Midwife crisis
  8. TaoRich

    scrog question?

    A sensible approach if you are that far into flower. Check this out ... a nice wrap of the chilli cayenne garlic options: It lasts a while on the leaves during veg ... and acts as a future deterrent, especially if...
  9. TaoRich

    scrog question?

    Do a bit of research into chillies. I had a minor infestation early in my grow, and a home made chilli + Tabasco foliar spray worked for me.
  10. TaoRich

    A little help with my worm bin

    And I use a little cloth mulch skirt to keep that top layer fresh and moist and alive.
  11. TaoRich

    A little help with my worm bin

    I have a dead simple Rubbermaid type worm bin setup ... one compartment ... no drainage like yours. My worms get mostly kitchen scraps, fruit and veg, egg boxes, and an occasional couple of handfuls of horse manure or bunny poop. Every 6 weeks I upend the entire bin into a big basin, and spend...
  12. TaoRich

    Fungus Gnats, problem?

    Start your own worm bin. I did. Easy ... cheap ... fun. 100% organic goodness. It attracts a whole host of beneficial microbe and bug life ... if you build it ... they will come. When you top layer the EWC you'll add all that life to your topsoil. Keep it covered with a mulch cloth cover...
  13. TaoRich

    Since banana itself is high on potassium

    +1 See:
  14. TaoRich

    How Much Substrate Can One Gallon of Compost Tea Inoculate?

    PS: No aeration with a pump. I just shake the hell out of my tea bottles every day until they are bubbly and frothing with the fermentation.
  15. TaoRich

    How Much Substrate Can One Gallon of Compost Tea Inoculate?

    I made up a few teas, and once I potted my organic 'soil', I watered a few times while letting the substrate sit for a month before my seedlings were transplanted. Some - compost tea - fresh kelp tea - some worm castings tea Added a tablespoon of black strap molasses - must be no sulphur & no...
  16. TaoRich

    Is this nutrient lockout?

    No attempt to throw any shade, or dispute ... But I do find this interesting. I'm noticing purple stems that seem to be 'genetic' in some of my girls. Passed down from the mother plant into her seeds and displaying in her progeny. Plants are healthy. Side-by-side next to other plants in the...
  17. TaoRich

    Is this nutrient lockout?

    That would have been my diagnosis. That would be my remedy. I would have watered with well diluted human urine ... provided that you're healthy and not on meds. Must be very diluted ~ one bladder emptied into a full bucket of water. Now would be a good time to give them some banana peel tea...
  18. TaoRich

    Southern Hemisphere Sanity Check : Are your plants starting to flower ?

    My first grow in over 10 years. And this is my first bash at 100% organic living soil. Hoping for some wicked turpenes and aromas and flavour ... It's been far too long since I smoked a joint that turns the lower half of the paper black with resin ... and clings to your fingers and lips with...
  19. TaoRich

    imagine being addicted to an imaginary friend and deluding yourself into thinking you're part of...

    imagine being addicted to an imaginary friend and deluding yourself into thinking you're part of his plan to convince the world that your crock of sin guilt & shit is somehow the divine answer