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  1. TaoRich

    Does topping delay pre-flowers for sexing ? (outdoor) (photoperiod)

    Southern hemisphere outdoor grow. 27 seedlings in 1 gallon black planter bags. - 5 are feminised seeds - 22 are unsexed Legal limit here is 8 flowering females. I am waiting to sex the balance to see which lucky girls get a lifetime home in their final pots. Currently at 5 weeks from...
  2. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  3. TaoRich

    Outdoors in New Scotland

    Nice setup. Nice plants. :leaf: Black Mamba One of our local species. Named after the black inside of its mouth that is a warning signal. I'd be keen to hear how it smokes.
  4. TaoRich

    Dandelion FPJ

    Please please don't take me for anything of an expert ... I'm just another google keyboard warrior with an enquiring mind, And this whole topic and science of Allelopathy is pretty damn complex. Some plants are positive allelopathic, some are negative allelopathic. Some plants are positive...
  5. TaoRich

    Dandelion FPJ

    Experimental ... but founded on experience and research. It's an extension of what I have used to get good results. e.g. Prickly Pear Cactus It's also based on other people's reports on what they use for their...
  6. TaoRich

    Dandelion FPJ

    Not yet, but I am about to try for my 2022/2023 outdoor Southern Hemisphere grow. I am going to collect Dandelions from our local common this weekend - flowers, stems, roots and all. Folks have asked for help to eradicate them as they are encroaching on other indigenous plants. I'll also be...
  7. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  8. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  9. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  10. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  11. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  12. TaoRich

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  13. TaoRich

    Defoliation Trial - 4 Clones

    Not claiming more yield. Same yield from same input, just distributed differently.
  14. TaoRich

    Defoliation Trial - 4 Clones

    I never understood why plants grew more vigorously after pruning. Just 'regular' plants when I was reluctantly dragged out to do garden work as a kid. It took me 25 year's to work out an explanation for myself, and that epiphany came from my fist weed grow. Here's my theory: Imagine the plant...
  15. TaoRich

    Mutant Plant or Cool Genetic?

    Yeah ... I've come across those before. Nothing to stress about.
  16. TaoRich

    2022/2023 South African Outdoor Growers

    And just to comment here ... for a sanity check on the 'mad scientist': I don't throw my unholy stinking mouldy rotting colourful concoctions directly onto my plants. I don't plant directly into soil mixes that look and smell like this. The 'raw' ingredients have all been cooking and rotting...
  17. TaoRich

    2022/2023 South African Outdoor Growers

    I've found that living soil with microbes increased my number of bud sites and bud density. My plants gave off a sweet fruity smell when growing, strong enough to smell from 15 metres away. That carried through to a final clean and sweet smoke taste. That wasn't specific to the strains - same...
  18. TaoRich

    Day 26 of flowering, Yellowing lower leaves solution?

    Damn those colours sure do look pretty! I would add in some blended banana skins to the molasses and let that ferment for 48 hours before feeding ... great source of bloom K for finish.
  19. TaoRich

    Day 26 of flowering, Yellowing lower leaves solution?

    @Reap911 Preach brother. :clap: Organic + microbes + bacteria + fungi