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  1. P

    FoxFarm Coco Loco to sprout seeds?

    I just bought some coco loco without reallynderstanding what it was. I thought it was prettymuch lik coco inoculated with bennies. I transplanted some shabby clones into it and luckily i only watered before i did a lil research. Info seems pretty scarce on coco loco but i wanna make the...
  2. P

    Foreign Terpenes!?

    I was looking at pinene on amazon to maybe clean my room with to help prevent mites. I know mites dont like certain terpenes so would it a pinene foliar maybe just in veg hurt my plants. Or limonene.
  3. P

    Turtle manure?

    Google turtleponics. People use turtles for aquaponics. I tried it with aflood tray and cilantro once. It didnt kill the plants but i wasnt ph testing or anything so they did not do well.
  4. P

    how much Dolomite Lime?

    And will it work with synthetics
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    how much Dolomite Lime?

    I fucked around and switched out my coco for some pro mix hp( peat moss perlite and dolomitic lime) and started needing more cal mag early on. The lockout theory makes sense. And running synthetics i watered to runoff like dude was saying earlier. Well by mid flower my runoff was way low even...
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    Help me save my friend

    My grandparents were classic old midwest values anti marijuana but my granma loved willie nelson. That was the weak link. Once i played that card i could talk to them about medical issues etc. Now when she comes to visit she wants to see my plants haha
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    Help me save my friend

    look what federal legalization did for alcohol. if you make liquor in your back yard you might go to jail haha.
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    Help me save my friend

    my grandparents in wisconsin have a friend with parkinsons. she told them about what i do and hooked us up. i told them before anybody transports illegal shit across state lines that they should checkout for cbd oil and it must be working because thay have not called me since
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    Help me save my friend

    if one of you has a basement you could just grow it. seeds or clones are easy to get. start a cpl mother plants. get a couple 4'x4' flood trays pond liner for a rez and stick like 50 clones in each tray as soon as the root veg for a wk and flip the lights to 12/12. as long as you run the lights...
  10. P

    1 plant 600w 1lb big white

    i gotta ask. is it bad on mites. the white crosses seem like mit factories.
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    1 plant 600w 1lb big white

    ive been hand watering pro mix andi decided im going back to dwc. just so much easier better faster stronger. your canna feeding routine sounds great. u use tap water or ro. and are you sayng the ph stays in range or it just doesnt matter.
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    ^ROOKIE^ Bubbler (help please)

    right hot rod. ive never went over 1000ppm
  13. P

    ^ROOKIE^ Bubbler (help please)

    oh yeah. if you do it right a strain that takes 65 days in dirt takes 60 or less to flower. and you can literally see them grow every day. illbe glad to share my experience.
  14. P

    ^ROOKIE^ Bubbler (help please)

    ya i did the same thing lol. then i got the gnarley mini compressor air pump with a six gang adaptor. i quit bubbling for a min tho. everybody talked meinto pro mix. its a lot less work but im just not seeing the growth i was seeing with hydro. im slowly switching back. i just put a clone in a...
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    ^ROOKIE^ Bubbler (help please)

    you shouldstart with half strength grow formula hydroponic nutrients. or quarter strength for new plants and increase feed until you see tip burn or something similar. but like i said hygrozyme or a zyme of some kind is prettymuch a must if you dont have a water chiller
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    ^ROOKIE^ Bubbler (help please)

    i agree with vumar. the chunky cylinder ones are the only way. doesnt hurt to add a second air stone tho, they can clog up on you. gotta rinse them every so often. other than that i would say you dont need high ppms, change your water every 7 to 10 days. and keep hygrozyme or some kind of zyme...
  17. P

    LST.. have i created a canopy thats to dense?

    and honestly i wouldnt worry about a couple leaf spots. if it gets worse then worry. you might have just pinched the leaf right there or something. overall looks pretty healthy
  18. P

    LST.. have i created a canopy thats to dense?

    i had a heavy indica that looked likethat with the big fan leaves and i let it flower as is. the only problem is you will get wimpy buds under the canopy but i harvested the tops and let the undernath stuff go an extra week. it filled out more than you would think. i just fed a pk booster like...
  19. P

    Spider Mites ,, what to do about those pests?

    what about brix. ive read that at à certain brix level mites wont be a problem. how do you get your brix levels up.
  20. P

    Spider Mites ,, what to do about those pests?

    probably right bob. and garlic defenitely helps.