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  1. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that the film had in fact been altered to hide the fact the driver shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with...
  2. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    WATCH THIS GIF...WATCH HIS RIGHT HAND MOVE TO HIS LEFT. THE ONLY STORY left to tell is what I've posted in this thread, destroying the movie and an industry full of LYING conspiracy authors who are ironically the most responsible for keeping the truth from the masses. GREAT GIF showing his...
  3. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    In case you haven't noticed, no one here is getting uptight or upset with the facts I have posted over and over. They are ignoring and denying visual facts. Just what is it you think your denials mean more than nothing? What is it you hope to prove beyond your simple denials of visual facts...
  4. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    The only authority this forum or any other has is the power to censor the obvious truth about Greer firing the fatal shot. The nix film is the smoking that was given to me this past October. In it, Greer's left arm/hand cross over in unison with the headshot and that visual fact completely...
  5. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    I used that post to mock someone.
  6. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    Originally Posted by local remembers thanking you months earlier for posting this thread. I totally agree with you but I can't believe people in real life get so up tight when you bring up that greer shot him. It's like you are committing blasphemy but saying that the gov't doesn't always...
  7. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    I'm going to tell you this once. You have NOT read through this thread and the only thing that you're doing is posting nonsense and silly denials of visual facts. OSWALD IS INNOCENT AND DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. There is absolutely no evidence to back that up. No one has challenged anything I've...
  8. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    3 gunshot wounds for sure happened with two hitting jfk. 1st shot misses very likely from behind. 2nd wound comes from south knoll. 3rd shot hits Connally from rear. Is that the same shooter that missed around 160?LOL 4th and fatal shot fired by Greer. 5th shot is a grassy shot fired...
  9. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    1. Misses car, likely intentionally to signal the car turned on Elm. Kennedy reacts to the sound first and Connally right after. 2. Bullet comes through windshield. Watch Connally react to it passing his head. The shooter very likely was located on the South knoll. 3. Connally said somewhere...
  10. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    The WC is a fantasy. The grassy knoll is a government created theory to distract from Greer. The driver shooting jfk is not just the truth, it's a very obvious truth that at least 95% of open minded people will believe in a heartbeat. They will laugh at the complete absurdity of the WC and...
  11. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    It's hard to imagine a better comparable to the Kennedy forehead shot. You can see the bullet smoke when it strikes his face which is mirrored by the nix gif showing the bullet strike his right forehead consistent with my work placing the entrance over the right eye and logically exiting the...
  12. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    pareidolia a type of illusion or misperception involving a vague stimulus which is perceived as clearly being something Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit I would like to thank the one post flop for giving me a word that defines the silly alterations committed to the zfilm. There is no...
  13. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    Gifs have made the case against this goon, Greer, who was Kennedy's real assassin. Over and over and over an over we can see this killer slowing for only himself and then speeding off to Parkland. Greer's left arm crosses over in nix film. Enhanced and zoomed nix gif showing Greer's left arm...
  14. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    The mist is fake and no person on this planet can prove that fake red blotch has ever happened except in the altered zapruder film. This idiot gets shot right in the face just like Kennedy did and there is nothing but distortion after impact. NO BLOOD FLOWS AT THE MOMENT OF IMPACT. The zfilm has...
  15. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    First of all, the Police man survived but only because the shooter's gun jammed. He pistol whipped him and then fled the scene. This nails it for the frontal shot slamming a man's head and body backward. Watch his head, there's no alteration or faux...
  16. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    They wouldn't because they would never air the truth about this case only easily disproven theories like the grassy knoll. That's the point. As long as it's not true, it's okay but once the truth surfaces people get crazy.
  17. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    These clowns in this thread did nothing except act childish. That's fine. I accept what you're saying but I don't believe you.
  18. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    Nice diversion. I spammed nothing. I posted to a thread about the driver and nailed it without a single intelligent challenge. Every person who denied that Greer passed an object and that his arm crosses in the nix film has done real trolling.
  19. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    The driver passes an object and that's a visual fact that you're choosing to deny because you are in fact mocking me.
  20. 7

    Maybe John Kennedy's driver William Greer shot him with an air pistol

    Well, I'm mocking you because that's what you're doing to me but in a different way.