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  1. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Sativa seeds Hawaii maui waui

    Grew this last year, had batch of 87 seedlings out of 100 seeds. Culled about 35 from day 28 from seed as they were too stretchy. The remaining 50 were then grown for 4 more weeks before cloned. Of those 30 were kept because the rest had very thick/woody stems and that is a bad sign of low...
  2. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Delta 9 Labs

    Yes, the Aiea is really good by D9L, its a 8 week high yielding indica that smells really sweet and cadylike. its (Hawaiian Indica x Kandahar Afghani). I liked the Stargazer as well. if dawg brains has brainstorm haze in it expect a very up clear headed high. it used to be alot more potent...
  3. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Creative Strains?

    Delta 9 Labs - Brainstorm haze. its Thai x [(Ak47xwarlock)xsensistar)] Aka- thai x stargazer. its got an immediate up and focused effect and a creeper effect that takes about 10 minutes to kick in that is like prozak, very productive creative high. focused, not the kind to derail you but very...
  4. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    NY allowing MMJ

    right after i move to oregon so i'm fucked anyway lol. good news though for my neighbors.
  5. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    NAME THAT MOVIE.....(from dialogue quotes)

    "now we've had a chance to meet this young man, and boy! that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him"
  6. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    There Phil goes again....

    that's the big mystery, why do we americans watch this crap? i thought ancient aliens was bad.
  7. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Mohican's 2014 Season

    what was Jillybean seeded with? i tried a breeding a jillybean hybrid a few years back with agent orange and it turned out banana happy, only a few seeds to test as i should have had more :( good luck though looking beautiful so far.
  8. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Thanks, Obama

    if only they didn't make it illegal to spite black folks in the first place...
  9. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    What is your personal Most Annoying Word?

    "Like, Literally!" when it isn't fucking literal at all. also i never liked the terms "conservative" or "liberal" because they seemed like blanket terms.
  10. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    There Phil goes again....

    never trust a southerner with a bible.
  11. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Fastest haze hybrids?

    I'd get chernobyl over JTR tbh, its still a jtr hybrid thus a haze hybrid of some sort. takes 8 weeks to flower.
  12. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

    he's also said he isn't religious... something here doesn't add up...
  13. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Zimmerman sells American Flag painting for over $110,000

    someone is going to photoshop that, make it a picture of trayvon.
  14. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Zimmerman sells American Flag painting for over $110,000

    that shit was a travesty, and the reason? money gets you freedom. look at the recent 16 yearold who murdered 4 people while he was driving 3x over the legal limit and he gets to stay in what is essentially a high quality group home instead of facing jailtime. Money bro, money.
  15. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Zimmerman sells American Flag painting for over $110,000

    He's a murderer. the smile creeps me out.
  16. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

    holy shit you're just a troll... fuck i'm slow. shouldn't smoke before entering forums.
  17. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Obama picks gay athletes for Olympic Delegation....

    What's your favorite closet homosexual/drug abuse scandal? mine was ted haggard.... especially if you saw the richard dawkins interview with him.
  18. Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

    Obama picks gay athletes for Olympic Delegation....

    mormons aren't christians? i mean, their christianity 2.0. american made boiiii