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  1. B

    How do I become an informed voter?

    Fox will down play republican bads. MSNBC will down play democrat bads.
  2. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    Do note that it says sample. it also leaves $800 for discretionary spending. I will say though that making ends meet on 2k per month would be difficult. Perhaps people ought to consider that when they drop out of high school. You can make more than this doing just about anything only...
  3. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    A handful of white christian Americans... funny how you blame us all for taking necessary steps to greatness. Yet you excuse the failures of black americans, and other non white americans for some reason. self loathing.
  4. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Seattle won the super bowl this past year. They didn't have the best player, or lead the league in all categories. You don't have to be number one at everything to be number one.
  5. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    The people of North West Europe look more alike than the people of Latin America. I would not be offended if someone thought I were in Germany, if I were English, if they only saw a picture of me. that being said, all the people of Latin America share a common language. I also looked quite a...
  6. B

    Eric Cantor... ousted

    I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. Cantor was a well spoken, highly intelligent leader in the Republican caucas. This guy that beat him is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a liberal college professor.
  7. B

    School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook

    I for one am in favor of school shootings. Those little brats need some live fire exercise before they graduate high school and get seduced into going over seas to fight for our freedom (to take other people's resources) and defend the american way of life.
  8. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    The irony of that cartoon is precious. Many mexicans, even the ones from El Salvador, refer to the immigration into the american south west as the reconquista. And here we americans are deciding what to do about them, one day they're just going to say the south west is theirs again.
  9. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Look pada, I'm done explaining myself to you. You're a waste of a cock and testicles. At least UncleBuck is a loser who can convince a woman to keep him up. You have so much to offer to society that two different places feel your time is worth less than 10 bucks an hour.
  10. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    I actually used to be damn near fluent in Spanish. I haven't had occasion to speak it much in the last 6 years or so so I'm not as proficient. Other than AC I'm probably more familiar with Latin America than any other white American on this forum. I decided to learn Castilian Spanish, as a...
  11. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Dude, I made a joke and you thought it meant I didn't know there was any difference between the central American countries and mexico. I just don't care about the difference. It's not very significant. I took two Latin American studies classes in college for fucks sake. They are very...
  12. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    I'm sure my dog looks at me sometimes and doesn't understand what I'm doing. He probably thinks I'm an idiot for pissing in a perfectly good water bowl. Just because you don't understand my mind does not make me dumb. It makes you simple.
  13. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Ignorance is not knowing there is a difference, I know there is, I just don't care. This does not make me ignorant. If you saw a picture of a mexican and then saw a picture of a Honduran you couldn't tell the difference. They probably couldn't distinguish themselves until they hear the...
  14. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    You know what I call someone from Panama, Honduras or Nicaragua? That's right, a fucking mexican. I know there are differences in culture and language, I just don't care. The differences are nearly indistinguishable to my American upbringing. How many times have you thought someone on tv...
  15. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Dude, if you've held comparable positions else where, relocated to someplace new, if you have significant savings you're right. But there is value in work that is not quantifiable. I would never hire someone who sat around for months because they were "too good" to take the jobs they could...
  16. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    Suppose two people move out to Silicon Vally and apply to Google. They have matching qualifications and credentials are equally impressive. Candidate a has been unemployed for the four months since he moved out there. Candidate b has held a menial job somewhere like subway since he moved...
  17. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    You mean faces a life threatening struggle, gets out of it, takes some help, and gets a job. .. You do know to get a good job you have to have a job, don't you?
  18. B

    What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

    Op will be called a racist by the second page, just for loving his country. Mexicans are coming from all over Latin America, buck, not just Mexico.
  19. B

    Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

    And i think you are too unaccomplished for your opinion to matter.
  20. B

    Thanks Obama, seriously.

    It only gives more buying power to those who were under the new minimum and got a raise. If you were already above the new minimum, your purchasing power took a hit. You are an anathema to common fucking sense.