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  1. J

    Germination issues, please help!

    pop it in a glass of water for 24-36 hrs ,when tap root shows pop in rockwool or jiffy and keep warm high 20s,works every time for me.
  2. J

    Plant seems to be dieing

    picture lights off to see colour of plant!!
  3. J

    Leaf tips pointing down in flower

    photos with lights off would be alot better!!
  4. J

    Centre of leaf browning/dying on only a few tops.

    could you have dripped something on it,or light bleaching??
  5. J

    Leaf tips pointing down in flower

    mines are exactly the same,but it is too much n.just make sure to get ph in check,maby lower dose of flower nutes even though less n in them.
  6. J

    Over or underwater

    agree with above,think theyre starvin!!
  7. J

    Check this out

    well done,can we see budshots??
  8. J

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    do all your checks first like ph and so on!!
  9. J

    Whoa what is happening!!!

    Maby a calcium def!!
  10. J

    hysterisis button

    Thanks for replys guys,instructions that came with were crap ,no details about anything even though pretty much easy enough to use just wasnt sure with this button,again thanks.
  11. J

    hysterisis button

    is it better on a high number or a low number,never used one of these before??
  12. J

    hysterisis button

    Got a cli-mate mini fan controller,all setup and working but not getting what this hysterisis dial is for ,i have a min a max and humidity and temp,then the hysterisis knob.Any help appreciated??
  13. J

    Are they done ?

    too much white hairs for me yet,IMO !!check again in another week and post again.
  14. J

    Over watering perhaps?

    i usually hand water until the bottom of cubes (hugo ones) are covered in roots,then put in nft on slow,plants look a tad small to be force fed but thats just what i think and do.
  15. J

    Keeping humidity in your tent

    agree with above,the bigger the plants aswell humidity will start rising.
  16. J

    Stumped on ventilation issue.

    agree with above,turn off extra light until you get back and sort things out,not worth a chance of frying them.
  17. J

    Please guys help me diagnose my seedling

    more than likely overwatered,soil not allowing seedling root to breath.
  18. J

    Help me please I'm lost!

    Picture of plant would be better!!
  19. J

    Plant looks sick 2 weeks before harvest...

    agree with nelly more than 2 weeks,buds havent even began swelling yet,looks like they need a good feed.
  20. J

    What is this deficiency??

    just the bottom leaves completely yellow looking,yup and does look more like potassium.