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  1. W

    Safers 3 in 1

  2. W

    Safers 3 in 1

    No neem listed in this one. Since neem was linked to chronic cyclical vomiting, those in the know won't touch it.
  3. W

    Hey help with pests please

    DR BRONNERS p ure castle soap is a way better option than dawn. Rosemary and thyme are good oils to mix and use to kill aphids. I have been using safers 3 in 1 since the aphids brought a fungual disease problem with them. Thats my opinion presetly
  4. W

    Safers 3 in 1

    I would never use neem since it has been linked to chronic cyclical vomiting. Rosemary and/ or thyme oil mixed with pure castle soap works like safers 3 in 1. Way better option than neem. I have aphids and leaf fungus and am outdoors and have been using 3 in 1, and will be spraying them again...