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  1. D

    Help with tincture!

    Oh wow that looks soo simple definitely gonna try it
  2. D

    Help with tincture!

    Thanks i just looked at the qwet technique definitely gonna try that out!
  3. D

    Help with tincture!

    Ok thanks will do!
  4. D

    Help with tincture!

    I have cheese cloth i did this perfect the first time only thing is i didn’t measure the everclear.
  5. D

    Help with tincture!

    Basically you Basically its a faster way. You decarb then add the everclear and the buds boil It in a double boiler, crockpot or magic butter machine an after 6-8 hours you have a tincture. But I think i either boiled it out or I didn’t put enough everclear
  6. D

    Help with tincture!

    Hi, ive made tincture with ever clear twice, but this time it didn’t come out right! I have no liquid just bud and the bud isnt burnt. What did i do wrong? I let it boil for about 4 hours usually i do 6-8 but it was no liquid left. What can i do to fix this?