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  1. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    Thanks everyone!! I AM loving the Valcano and yes, it is a much cleaner high and you are right, you don't really crash at any point, its just like you are not high anymore. I turned it up to just over 6 and that seems like a good temp for me! IceIceBaby, good job on the capsules! Those would...
  2. SSP

    Humidity domes

    Ok, thats sorta what I did over the weekend-thanks for the advice. First off Friday night, I slanted the dome on the base to sort of acclimate them to less humidity and laid off the watering. They seemed ok and I let them be all weekend. This morning, Monday, I picked up a few of the oasis...
  3. SSP

    best way to ship??

    I agree, if you HAVE too and I wouldn't, use USPS and just go good ole first class mail. This brings back a memory of when I was MUCH younger and the only weed to be had in town was called Downy. Hmm, ok, whats in a name, its weed right? Well, apparently whoever shipped it into town was...
  4. SSP


    How are you trying to germinate them?
  5. SSP

    Introduction and pics of first grow

    Hello and Welcome! Congrats on the first grow! Is that a particular strain or bag seed?
  6. SSP

    Humidity domes

    Thanks. The dome does have two vents on the top but they aren't real big. I'll get them moved into the veg cabinet with the better lighting this weekend. Some of them are still too small to transplant but I'll just stick the whole tray in the veg cab, how wet should those oasis cubes stay...
  7. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    Yeah, I would assume those are German Turkey Bags. I think it even says that you can use the reynolds bags!! The kit came with a box and we ordered an extra box as well as they were only $6 and we thought better to have them.. Can't wait to get outta work and give her another test drive...
  8. SSP

    What exactly is happening? Buds?

    How old are they? Is it an auto flower strain?
  9. SSP

    General Questions

    I'm not experienced but have read a lot. I think you should veg for about 4 weeks or until the pre-flowers start to show. Flowering too soon will only reduce bud production, let them get a bit bigger first. Just remember that the plants usually double to triple in height while in flowering...
  10. SSP

    Humidity domes

    Sort it IS ok to keep the baby seedlings in the humidity dome until they are ready to transfer to pots and put in veg? Can you tell why I am having a little bit of yellowing on the tips of some of the leaves?
  11. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    Not sure about putting the vaporizer "ash" into another bowl of bong, not sure what that outcome would be. I was told by the THC foundation that you can make the cannabutter out of it or even it in capsules. Apparently since most of the THC has been vaporizered, you can take the capsules during...
  12. SSP

    Humidity domes

    Ok, can someone please clarify as I don't seem to be the only one confused here. I have a propagation chamber with the oasis cubes that has a humidity dome and fluro light. My seeds have spouted, some are around 2 weeks old. I staggered the planting and I have one hold out that hasn't sprung...
  13. SSP

    new grower long time gardiner

    Looks like you did a great job! I also do some outdoor flower gardening but can only hope my first mj grow goes as well as your! Mine are just seedlings right now but I'm also recording everything!
  14. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    The "smoke"in the bag is just a slightly milky color and is actually vapor. It taste smoother and there is virtually no smoke emitted into the room or odor! We have the solid mouth piece (not sure if that makes a difference) and the directions said that the bag will stay fresh for at least 10...
  15. SSP

    oasis cubes for germ and seedling

    BUMP, added pictures, can anyone help?
  16. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    :hump:A DEFINITE thumbs up!!!!! It came all packaged nicely with a laminated 8x10 sheet of paper with the easiest instructions ever-you can follow them no matter how high you are! LOL!!! I grabed a bit more bud than I pack in my bong, ground it up, turned on the machine, it took about 4-5...
  17. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    WOW! Not sure we will need 10 hits each!! Hubby rarely tokes but I'm sure he is going to want to try this out tonight! I'm usually good with 4-5 bong tokes after work with maybe another toke before bed. I'm outta here for the night! Will give a review tomorrow!!
  18. SSP

    growing seeds together in one pot

    Typically NOT a good idea. If one of the plants turns out to be a male, you can damage the roots of the other plant when you pull it out. Pots are not very expensive.
  19. SSP

    I need some help first grow and time problems

    Did you plant seeds or clones and if clones, how old were the clones? I take it your grow area isn't really portable?
  20. SSP

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    Double yay!!!! Hehe. I am so excited, just over an hour to go before I can head home. I'll be sure to watch out for midgets! LMAO!! So, it seems like it gives you more of a creeper high? Luckily, I don't have anything to do tonight excpet for play with my new toy!!!!