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  1. 240sxing

    Aact delivers nutrients?

    It's seem pretty self explanatory of course an AACT tea would deliver nutrients there are nutrients in the materials used to make it but the main purpose is to breed your micro-orginisms which then will feed your plants but at that point will be increasing the the process and draining you soil...
  2. 240sxing

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Self honesty is the key to forbidden happiness , or is it the blue pill can't remember lol .
  3. 240sxing

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Or was it the red pill fuck it give me both and well let them battle it out.
  4. 240sxing

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    This thread I must say is number 1 , nothing like a bunch of stoners talking physics. I choose to take the blue pill..
  5. 240sxing

    Fixing soil ph

    I used to let my water sit/bubble for 24 hours but chlorine , chloramine doesn't hurt that much in a living soil, micro-orginisms still live in tap water its just controlled by chlorine and chloramine so it doesn't get out of whack one way or the other just a balance.
  6. 240sxing

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    To throw a ball while traveling at say 50mph You would have to match that speed to be able to retrieve is but there is so many factors of resistance and inconsistency that it would fall under luck of the draw. Sorry for the post not stoned enough atm for this thread , but regardless getting...
  7. 240sxing

    Fixing soil ph

    Stay steady 6.2 is fine . Its doesn't work like , its not a mathematical equation is repetition And consistency.
  8. 240sxing

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Space ships are sandwiched between black matter .. simple. Constant pressure being applied by compression.. Golly gosh people simple.
  9. 240sxing

    Fixing soil ph

    Soil does buffer itself , but at the same time you don't want to be throwing it curve balls all the time , the only way to correct ph in soil is through repetition , keep your watering roughly 6.5 on the ph scale and it will balance itself out , but there is no instant cure , unless you flush ...
  10. 240sxing

    Makin' Some Beans (Blueberry Fem)

    Nicely done hopefully your effort pays off. How many days are they at? And in most cases you can tell there are seeds because the calyxes will start to split.
  11. 240sxing

    What to do now? Hermie destroyed whole crop

    I would mix some kinda weak bleach solution and take towel and a spray bottle and go to town.
  12. 240sxing

    Good Males hard to find.

    Damn , went on vacation and struggled to get connection , and I'm on vacation , so was trying to unplug a little. I'm telling You! lol , eventually with Auto and Femanized , was making me think of what was falling through the skirts and chopping a male because its a male might be a lost in...
  13. 240sxing

    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    To be honest there is a difference between a true herm and a stressed females that throws nanners , true hermie show traits of both signs from the beginning , nanners come from a stress female. And after some experience , other than the Afghani freedbee(freak of Nature > testing with...
  14. 240sxing

    Cedars, PH radius?

    Yeah , was away for a bit , but no way a cedar tree growing in the ground will cause the soil to be acidic , now using as a mulch is a different story. ^ ^ last post on here only time outdoor 15+ years ago out of a 5 gallon bucket then to straight dirt next to a cedar tree grew a tree.... was...
  15. 240sxing

    7 winners will get their dose of Medical Seeds prizes in our latest competition!

    Make sure to post on what you got and if or when you run , we will all be eager to see , gratz and thanks Medical seeds and TheVaulT always awesome to give back.
  16. 240sxing

    Cedars, PH radius?

    I would say so my only outdoor grow was next to a cedar tree and it surpassed it and was 8 ft tall christmas tree, this was over 15 years ago and was told like cannabis that cedar trees put out a heat signature which now seems more of a myth than that
  17. 240sxing

    Good Males hard to find.

    So I got thinking that is it about the females or the males , everything seems to be and going femanized . Makes me think about those stinky males that surpassed the females and how quick I was to chop chop and how now I regret not letting it pollinate and or catching its pollen for future...
  18. 240sxing

    Hermie on my first grow... Need help ASAP

    To be honest I would be happy , you might get some femanized seeds , if they mature before you chop , let it grow , my best plant atm is seeds from nanners , that my heat reach 100f and shocked the plant I beleave, threw some nanners gave me seeds , 8 runs later not a single nanner.. And or say...
  19. 240sxing

    Want to go organic...a few opinions needed please

    FFOF , will take you to flowering depending on veg length , then either transplant before or top again with Ocean forest , followed by worm casting and bat guano. Simple without making a Supersoil.
  20. 240sxing

    So how important is light proofing

    I have wondered myself , I think it would have to be a specific amount of light/lumens/par to tell the plant its time to due my thing , that being said I would say it depends on how much of a light leak , I have left tomatoes sprout/seedling under the kitchen sink and they are shooting for the...