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  1. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    I bought a ph meter (Rapitester) and my soil is acidic. I also purchased organic garden lime (Epsoma) to neutralize the soil. it has a scale based on 100sq feet. 4.5 to 5.0 ------ 5 lbs 5.0 to 5.5 ------- 4 lbs 5.5 to 6 --------- 2 lbs 6.0 to 6.5 ------- 1 lbs 6.6 & higher ---- 0 lbs my ph is...
  2. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    shit, i read this too late. I watered them until the extra water came out the bottom. Now i'm just dumping the extra water. I didn't do it too much. I didnt flood the thing though. Just enough to get some water out the bottom, about a cup per plant. How long should I wait until flowering? I...
  3. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    Should I flush it, by removing the top soil and over watering? I'm planning to go into flowering this week. the plants are 1.5 feet high and a month old.
  4. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    It does not have fert capsules. Now I know not to feed it so much. I guess I didnt think of that. What should I do to fix it, I hope i didn't mess them up for ever. I feel like I need a swift kick in the ass for doing something like this
  5. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    20-20-20, they have been in the pots for a week. I'm using miracle grow for african violets, the soil's PH is balanced between 6.0 and 6.5 according to MG.
  6. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    I gradually added nutes for the third time three days ago. This time I gave it a full dose. Everywhere that new leaves are sprouting its light green. I read somewhere that the soil ph was probably high. I have ph meter but only for water. The one with the drops that change color. I used Jack's...
  7. Nutella

    lower soil PH

    how do I lower the soils ph?
  8. Nutella

    Is this normal for clones? (see pics)

    thanks dude. they look so much better. I went out and bought a cake storage dome to use as my clone house, I think it works great. (see pic)
  9. Nutella

    hydrohut macgyver needed

    So, I just got a mini hydrohut. Can someone tell me how to make something to circulate the air. It gets pretty hot. I plan on buying a reflector with duct holes later. but for now i want to build something to exchange the air inside and cool it down. (see pic) Any ideas?
  10. Nutella

    Is this normal for clones? (see pics)

    I cut the fan leaves off the first two on the left (the droopiest ones) and they look better. Thanks for the advise. Should i cut the fan leaves off the other two--- on the right??
  11. Nutella

    Is this normal for clones? (see pics)

    well, they come soaked , but I made them a bit more moist. so yes.
  12. Nutella

    Is this normal for clones? (see pics)

    I've kept them wet, and sprayed the dome constantly.
  13. Nutella

    Is this normal for clones? (see pics)

    hi, this is my first time cloning and growing. I was wondering if the clones are suppose to wilt so much? The are on their third day. I cut at 45, placed them in clonex gel, put them in rapid rooter and have them in a makeshift dome,
  14. Nutella

    SOG growing expert needed

    hi. clock work orange is my favorite movie btw.------- cali rocks!
  15. Nutella

    Checking For Roots

    cool, I will wait. Is there a way to know if the rapid rooter is working? at how many days? what do I look for?
  16. Nutella

    SOG growing expert needed

    If i grow SOG do I need to have a mother plant to clone from at all times? Or can I clone the plants in the SOG? I ask because from what I've read, the plants under SOG dont produce many branches.
  17. Nutella

    Checking For Roots

    I'm using rapid rooter plugs for my clones, do I have to wait until the roots come out the bottom? or is there a way to check for roots. They are on the 2nd day.
  18. Nutella

    Timing Issues

    hi! im going to cut my clones soon. If it takes 8 weeks to flower at a 12/12 cycle. What do I do with my clones in order to put them in veg cycle with 24hr light once they have roots? I only have a 3'x3' room 6' high and one 250 hps light.
  19. Nutella

    250 watt hps enough?

    some one told me (here) that indicas stop growing when started flowering is this true??
  20. Nutella

    Plant wont grow

    I took the mini plant out of the dirt and found that it had 2 very small roots. And a wooden-like root (didnt look right). What I did was an experiment; I grabbed the midget and cut the stem at a 45 angle, put it in clone gel, and stuck it into some clone sponges I bought at the hydro store...