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  1. Corey

    I still have not yet had a successful clone!!!! (PICS)

    whats the temp?? and Humidity ?? because those domes can easily over heat. YouTube - The art of Cloning Marijuana
  2. Corey

    MY seedlings Tips are going yellow, I have pictures

    what a noob move 14 days old and I starting using ferts lol :wall: Thanks guys :weed: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Check out my Journal First Grow Journal
  3. Corey

    Check this out !

    Sweet. Did u get a ph meter? And were u getting the distilled water ?
  4. Corey

    First Grow Journal

    For flowering I have a different box with 12, T5, 54w High Output fluorescents and 2, T8, 32w Black lights.. Ill post some pics, I hope its going to work for flowering. The company that sells them say there great for budding, lol probably BS. :leaf::leaf::leaf:
  5. Corey

    Quick Question???

    I need to know if theres a way to delete peoples posts of your own thread? :leaf:
  6. Corey

    Check this out !

    I still think you need to test the ph of distilled water with ferts in it
  7. Corey

    first time growing. hows it look?

    yea it will help, it wont get you nice bud but it will be better then what your gonna get.
  8. Corey

    Check this out !

    so ya your soil ph is good but as soon as you put in your 7.1 or even higher after nutes it way to high.. I no you can get cheep water ph tester they dont last long though and there kinda gay to use but its better then nothing. by the way you plant looks great hope tho's spots dont get any...
  9. Corey

    Check this out !

    not sure how much it changes, my question to you is how do you change the ph level in the soil?
  10. Corey

    Check this out !

    mm im not sure what the soil ph reading should be, but if your gonna keep growing would look into a Ph meter there pricey buy the digital ones are so handy. I now it good to check water ph and soil ph. Im gonna look into it because I never check my soil. i also no it good to check the ph of...
  11. Corey

    Check this out !

    if its 5.5 after you put the nutes in Yes thats perfect.. How are you testing?? :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Check out my Journal First Grow Journal
  12. Corey

    Check this out !

    when you add fert it make the ph go higher , you really need some ph down and a ph meter.. how do you test your ph?
  13. Corey

    Check this out !

    7.1 is to high , It needs to be 6.3 - 6.5 and im not sure about the nutes whats the 3 number on the bottle? Too high or too low a pH can lock up nutrients in the form of undisolvable salts and compounds, some of which are actually toxic to the plants. What then happens is the grower then tries...
  14. Corey

    Check this out !

    What is the ph level, are you checking? and did you read the pH Fluctuation in the growFaq?
  15. Corey

    Check this out !

    are you talking about thoughs little yellow spots close to the tips? and if yes they might be fert burn, so i wouldnt double the nutes. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Check out my Journal First Grow Journal
  16. Corey

    First Grow Journal

    Ok so Im 22 Days in there starting to look better after that burn. :leaf::leaf::leaf:
  17. Corey

    Has is really happened...

    Looks ok to me
  18. Corey

    Attempted Soil Grow, Afghooey, G13xSharlsbreath, All comments welcome!

    Nice Journal man they lived a good life to bad about the hurmie but hopefully its just the one.. keep posting :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Check out my Journal First Grow Journal
  19. Corey

    So dissappointed......

    I hope you chopped that hermie because I hear they produce pollen, and you should cut it with a bag over it or take it out of the room. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Check out my Journal First Grow Journal
  20. Corey

    yellowing please help

    Might be a Deficiencies take a look at GrowFAQ and under plant problems-Plant Abuse Chart or it could be fert burn ,, make sure your not misting the leafs with fert water. And yea get some good ferts... :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Check out my Journal First Grow Journal