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  1. Early


    Canucks:"Take off hoser!" Early: "It's not worth robbing me!" "My money is worth less than yours" "And your M-39 is the best weed ever!" Canucks: "Agreed!" Early: "But now I pull out my Huge American Penis" Canucks:"Early you are 50cm taller than us!, and your Huge American Penis is bigger...
  2. Early

    Can Weed Help with Heroin Addiction?

    As a former junkie. If he tells you he was only smoking it, he damn sure was slamming it. Try the loperamide. It's over the counter. It works. Please.
  3. Early

    liver problems caused by smoking pot?

    tckfui, obviously you havent disclosed the "badness" with us. Were are anonomous forum users. Feel free to share. We dont know you from Adam. If you dont trust us. How can you ever trust your doc? One more time! Get tested for Hepatits A,B, and C.
  4. Early

    liver problems caused by smoking pot?

    Lead and mercury can fuck up your liver function. Hep C does too. Something is obviously wrong. Hepatitis spreads easier than you think. Get tested for it.
  5. Early

    Can Weed Help with Heroin Addiction?

    I kicked the junk back in 2003. The withdrawl from methodone is 20x worse than dope. The clinics ARE a business after all. And thet want you to come back (just like the dealers) so they can make money. Methodone sucks really bad, and when your on it the last thing you want to do is smoke weed...
  6. Early

    Any Satanists here?

    666 is my lucky number. A number 1 with an OJ and an extra Egg McMuffin is 6.66 at Mc Donalds by my house.
  7. Early

    Good Books??????

    Marijuana related book. Grass Roots by Albert Goldman. Kind of an old book, borrowed the copy from the library when I was a kid and never took it back. Read it at least 20 times. You might be able to find a copy at your local library. He started by smoking pot and worked his way up to smuggling...
  8. Early

    liver problems caused by smoking pot?

    I would also say get tested for Hep C. You never know. Your drinking water might have alot of mercury or lead. Lead paint in your house? Eat alot of fish? Hope things go well for you.
  9. Early

    Why do people think so little of smokers?

    If people dont know that you smoke, and then they find out you do. They tend to blame everything they dont like about you on the cannabis use. And, they use this as an excuse to become vocal about it. "Your always late." "I guess youre stoned all the time." They blame the marijuana, and dont...
  10. Early

    Did i screw up?

    Your seedlings will stretch, thats a given. I start my seeds in dixie cups. Fill them 1/2 way full and plant the seed. After they sprout I put them under flos after about 3 days. they have begun to stretch to where I can fill the cup up to being almost full. That gives them good support. After...
  11. Early

    Alert!!! Dangers Drug Discovered, Indiana

    You can get high off of morning glory seeds, thats not really news. What nobody mentioned on this thread is that all the MG seeds packaged by the large seed companies are treated with a chemical that makes you sick. The kid probably ate 10 packages that were treated and then got really sick. You...
  12. Early

    pc probs, b-s, being watched?

    Keep it simple. If you are having trouble with Firefox. Dont use it. Try another browser. It might be that it dosent run well on your PC. I use it but I have a Mac.
  13. Early

    4 Weeks Flower. Is one of them delayed from stress(pruning)?

    If you are growing from seed, every once in a while you will get a runt or two. Its just something that happens. Nothing to worry about really.
  14. Early

    Cool Grow Tricks!

    Gotta love the milk. The lactic acid in it will choke off your roots. And the smell of sour milk sucks. Why not just mix shredded cheddar in your soil? As for the rest. Dont you think that if it was actually beneficial to growing cannabis everyone would be using it? Or are all those companies...
  15. Early

    My dog ate a fatty!

    Did you make sure he had lots of water to drink and a full dish of food? Ha Ha.
  16. Early

    6kw need input

    Get your room up and running. WITHOUT the plants. You need to push 6 1000 watters without the plants in the room. This will let you know how your room is going to function. Put a thermometer in there and see what the temps are after 17 hours of light. If you have adequate ventilation, it should...
  17. Early

    How big does it have to be to initiate flowering??

    12 to 20 days. Of 12/12
  18. Early

    Small baby but weak stem

    Weak stems are caused by watering seedlings before they need it. It makes the point where the stem meets the soil weak. Therefore they bend.
  19. Early

    Growing with car headlights

    Farts add more co2. How about farting on your plants. P.S. Never trust a fart.
  20. Early


    Purple weed-for the most part is mediocre at best. I guess your boys will think you da shiznit. Cuz you blaze dem purps. It might look good, but its usually not very potent. The kiddies will worship you though.