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  1. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    lake county freedom to garden human rights restoration act update: as of last night we are at about 4,500 signatures :) now we have increased our goal to 6,000:peace:
  2. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    lake county freedom to garden human rights restoration act update: as of last night we are at about 4,500 signatures :) now we have increased our goal to 6,000:peace:
  3. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    Federally recognized tribes only means they are wards of the State, it doesn't mean sovereign I assure you as I have been directly involved with different tribes across the country trying to grow hemp (I was one of the two people who created the Pine Ridge hemp project in 1994), as for the rest...
  4. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    exactly lol so be sure to vote...oh but first write up something for us all to vote on ;)
  5. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    of course...imo the choice of ultimate individual sovereignty is always an option for any of us, but until one serves notice and declares such, we are still living under the Constitutional contract which is instructed by the Declaration of Independence of "The People" collectively by way of...
  6. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    I couldn't agree more...from my view norml is simply working to hand the cannabis plant over to corporate control on a silver platter while at the same time insisting this issue has nothing to do with naturally endowed human rights...
  7. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    "The People" are responsible for declaring their "certain rights held by the People", an individual does not equal "The People" in that individual can only reach for rights already declared and established by "The People" according to Federal court interpretation in a case I was...
  8. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    ps...this latest Supreme Court ruling plays well in our favor :)
  9. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    Sad to say they have teemed up with some of the big and (nefarious) growers here that are trying to further control the local market and get richer then they already are by passing their initiative "The Medical Marijuana Control Act" which limits patients to 4 plants (if on less than an acre)...
  10. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    Hey folks, just popped in to update on our sig count so far...we are a little over 2,000 and its going great in spite of norml sending their local goons around to our petitioners telling them to take the petition and get the F out of town :) I guess they are not only offended by freedom but also...
  11. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    Hey folks, just popped in to update on our sig count so far...we are a little over 2,000 and its going great in spite of norml sending their local goons around to our petitioners telling them to take the petition and get the F out of town :) I guess they are not only offended by freedom but also...
  12. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    Thanks! We have been collecting sigs for about 8 days (today being the 9th), it rained on most of those days, but we kept at it and have reached about 500 sigs at this point (2,115 officially needed = practically at least 3000 needed). We are hoping to do better in the nice weather which has now...
  13. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    signature gathering update: We started officially collecting sigs last Friday and its going even better then we expected. People of all walks of life, including people who have nothing to do with cannabis, are signing. Folks eyes really light up when they hear that this proposed measure seeks...
  14. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    signature gathering update: We started officially collecting sigs last Friday and its going even better then we expected. People of all walks of life, including people who have nothing to do with cannabis, are signing. Folks eyes really light up when they hear that this proposed measure seeks...
  15. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    Thanks for the link :) Actually, as I understand it, this case will have no bearing on our effort.
  16. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    The typos in the previous post were of my doing (mistake) in transferring the summary for posting here, they are not from the CC... Also our legal ad (requirement) is in the paper today, later today i will be filing proof of such with the county and the signature gathering begins...
  17. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    did someone fart? anywho, our legal ad (requirement) is in the paper today, later today i will be filing proof of such with the county and the signature gathering begins...
  18. DNAprotection

    a community movement to reengage self governance and basic human rights...

    Here's an update on our local efforts with respect to 'We the People'... We just received the tittle and summary from the County, it publishes tomorrow and then we can begin gathering sigs on Thursday...we need 2115 valid sigs to make it on the ballot... INITIATIVE MEASURE MEASURE TO BE...
  19. DNAprotection

    White House Petition to restore the human right to grow and use plants...

    UPDATE: We received the tittle and summary from the County and it publishes on Wednesday, then we can start gathering signatures on Thursday...we need 2,115 valid sigs to make it on the November ballot: INITIATIVE MEASURE MEASURE TO BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE VOTERS The county council has...