Search results

  1. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    6/17/15, Turning Point interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the threat of GMO cannabis. Dr. Shiva voices support for the Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act effort/concept etc.We also talk about other genetic engineering concerns. <iframe...
  2. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Today on Turning Point (10am - 11am pst, we will ask Sheriff Tom Allman about his conclusion that GMO cannabis is being grown in Mendocino county in spite of the Mendo GMO ban...
  3. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    5/27/15... Turning Point interviews the President of the California Grange Bob McFarland about GMO's and the new seed regulation law in Ca. We also talk with Bob about the latest Ca hemp regulations and the need for guarding against GMO cannabis...
  4. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Not sure if this story is fake or real news...? MONSANTO CREATES FIRST GENETICALLY MODIFIED STRAIN OF MARIJUANA April 9th, 2015 | by Bob Flanagan BIOTECH 87 FacebookTwitter100.5k St-Louis, MO |...
  5. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    (continued from previous post) Section 3., Special Circumstances: Any law, to the extent that it would specifically deny or disparage the Human Rights as described in Section 1. of this Act, is to be set aside unless it can be determined that the individual circumstance is occurring within the...
  6. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    (especially if you are doc or dd ) Please consider helping us with this text asap. This is a ruff draft of the text that can be adapted for any locality. All suggestions are encouraged, welcome and will be thoroughly considered. Please use this if you can. If you can make it better, please do so...
  7. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    No, I support common sense (which your proposal is far from) = 2 separate matters (jurisdictions,or need to be etc) and should be handled separately. Folks should as 'the people' restore and secure their natural self evident rights to do for themselves ie The Freedom to Garden Act etc (as long...
  8. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013
  9. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013 The Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration Act is now working with Americans for Cannabis and is asking all the anti GMO, seed saving, organic food and cannabis communities...
  10. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013 yes quite awkward for Padawanbater2 = The difference between GM and selective breeding. Selective breeding is a form of genetic modification which doesn’t involve the addition of any foreign genetic...
  11. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013 The link is to a recent talk (Oct 2014) by snake oil salesman for "legalization" Ethan Nadelmann. It's a desperate attempt to fool folks into thinking DPA effort's are in the name of human rights etc and not on...
  12. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013
  13. DNAprotection

    Are you born with certain rights and is growing plants among those rights?

    All interested hands on is a fleeting chance...Please help< If you are interested in helping to shift the national discussion into the direction of human rights and discrimination rather than the 'good plant bad plant' framing of all this which has and will only further corporate...
  14. DNAprotection

    Sorry Lake County Growers - Measure N to repeal new restrictions did not get repealed

    Registering voters is definitely a key part to shifting the voting demographic in Lake County and so far we have registered 1,000 new voters while we were signature gathering...the county gov doesn't like such activity because it messes up their status quot voting block that has kept them in...
  15. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    The votes have yet to be fully counted and out of aprx 16,000 cast, only just under 10,000 have been counted so far. Also we have a wider demographic of voters than either the county or the norml measure enjoy and I am expecting many to vote in November that didnt vote in this primary... Thanks...
  16. DNAprotection

    Sorry Lake County Growers - Measure N to repeal new restrictions did not get repealed

    First of all the op's conclusions are some what premature in that there are 6,000 more votes yet to count. Secondly with that 6,000 more votes it brings our local turn out to over 40%, (that,s one of the biggest percentage turn outs in the state), so only just under 10,000 votes have been...
  17. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    Freedom to garden act update: Yesterday we filed 4,879 signatures with our county elections department. We needed 2,115 valid sigs to qualify for the November ballot, so its looking like we are qualified. 'The People' never had a chance to vote on govs assumed jurisdiction to outlaw/schedule...
  18. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday... Freedom to garden act update: Yesterday we filed 4,879 signatures with our county elections department. We needed 2,115 valid sigs to qualify for the November ballot, so its looking like we are qualified. 'The People' never had a chance to vote on govs...
  19. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    Our BOS meetings are all televised and recorded :) normle has caused many probs for sig gathering efforts here in the last 3weeks so our numbers have slowed down, but we are at about 4,700 sigs currently (2,115 valid needed)...we are now trying for 5,000 before we file them with the county...
  20. DNAprotection

    Looks like it's over for Sacramento County growers...

    If we don't declare our 'rights' as 'the people' this will continue...sac folks have just as much right as lake co folks do to declare their human rights in accordance with the declaration and state & fed constitutions and help back burn this fire of discrimination...