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  1. DNAprotection

    Why no GMO cannabis id process in "legal" states?

    In Colorado, California etc., there is no process in place to require identification and regulation of genetically engineered cannabis. At this point in time you really have no clue, other than the word of the seller, if your cannabis is GMO or not. All other commercial crops are regulated for...
  2. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Maybe it's a good time for a short musical dedication, a song of desperation for America the guiding light of the world...
  3. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Yes gov has allowed the banks to control, and yes even when the last "bail out" happened gov paid the banks directly instead of just paying off folks mortgages to "bail out" the people, in which case the banks would still end up with the money anyway but at least the people would have been...
  4. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    "Thanks, its interesting to get an outside perspective and see the reaction to my own." That is my feeling as well. In my understanding of the Declaration of Independence, the constitution exists to protect our individual self evident natural freedoms and is supposed to limit gov to engaging in...
  5. DNAprotection

    Perfect example of how gov cares about you & your thoughts...

    Wow I guess my boat is starting to leak...just realized the other post and my response was in a different forum, not here, like my brain apparently.
  6. DNAprotection

    Perfect example of how gov cares about you & your thoughts...

    Subtle but definitive, thanks.
  7. DNAprotection

    Perfect example of how gov cares about you & your thoughts...

    So true, also does anyone know what happened to the other comment and my response to it?
  8. DNAprotection

    Perfect example of how gov cares about you & your thoughts...

    We see this kind of display regularly in the county gov where I live, it's sickening... "March 11, 2019 Seattle City Council Meeting during public comment period. All Council Members paying attention to their phone and not speakers. Speaker rudely treated by Council Member Juerez when he asked...
  9. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    I quoted your entire post in hopes that folks really read it, and read it again, great post, thanks. I especially wanted to respond to this part: "There's a lot of issues in modern society that are interconnected and have a lot of cross over and Cannabis just fits into a small part of that."...
  10. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Hi SODreamsB, thanks for the thoughtful input, I especially wanted to respond to the quote above by basically posting here what I just posted in the introduction room, and please listen to the op interview above if you have time, it's not the kind of talk you will find anywhere else on this...
  11. DNAprotection

    old soldier still fighting for freedom...

    I'm not new, but I don't think I ever said hi here before and I've been gone a while so thought I would post this vid as an introduction. I would also offer this, the corporate cannabis "legalization" we see manifesting across the country is not what I was fighting for. In 1993, right after I...
  12. DNAprotection

    A simple test for cannabis legalization legislation...

    A simple yet critical test to help folks understand what kind of law they are voting on when they vote on (or are writing) cannabis legalization legislation:
  13. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Cannabis legalization is far more complex and important then it's being framed to be by the viewpoints that have main stream media access, and as a result, many questions that should be asked are intentionally just not there. One such important question should be, why not fight for human rights...
  14. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Because the only foundation you would have for such a suit is the protection of your human right, such then in turn creates the basis by which you then can protect the natural heritage. At this point, in the void where your human right once existed, now exists only commercial jurisdiction and...
  15. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    This is exactly the basis of the suit we are writing at this time and hope to file in the next 30 days. There is much more to it including restoring your naturally endowed rights as the basis for protecting the natural heritage from the eminent threat you have described here, We need more...
  16. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Oh CR are you really still playing that debunked card? Do you really think folks reading here are that unfamiliar with the facts that they would fall for such TRUMPeting? Well if anyone reading here still doesn't understand the difference between traditional horticulture practices (where DNA is...
  17. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    Chesus do you even read before you respond? Because t seems that it is you that has "failed" entirely to grasp the issue here. Some how you still seem to think the question is if GMO cannabis is good for you or bad for you and plainly such is not the question at hand. In fact your summation is...
  18. DNAprotection

    Should food be a right?

    The question posed by the OP here is unequivocally inseparable from the so called cannabis issue as the first and foremost considerations in response to government "regulating" (outlawing) plants outside of commercial activity are simply: 1. Does government have jurisdictional authority to...
  19. DNAprotection

    Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

    ChesusRice, I'm not saying you shouldn't have that choice, but the fact remains that many (possibly the majority) folks do not want to consume GMO cannabis, so as long as you keep the offspring separated we will all get along just fine ;)
  20. DNAprotection