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  1. DNAprotection

    California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

    "That has never been a "human right" " oh DK, wtf are you talking about, its always been a natural born human right except in eras when idiots like you decided to ignore such and moved to outlaw or regulate a plant species...and to my knowledge the first peoples of this land that we now call...
  2. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    someone sent me this snippet this morning that i haven't yet researched, but it seemed worth posting here in its relation to the measure this thread is about etc... "Community Rights educator Paul Cienfuegos explains how "We The People" are exercising the authority to govern ourselves and...
  3. DNAprotection

    California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

    i'm starting to think maybe you have decided to go cold turkey off your meds right? first of all norml has their own plan for the ballot so they were telling folks not to support (sign) the CCHI and refused to guide their funding sources toward the CCHI, and i'm thinking you are well aware of...
  4. DNAprotection

    California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

    well which is it? that is to say, am i working for the dea, or am i working to get all our basic human rights back intact? (lol) i think most folks know from common sense that its a bit impractical and illogical to claim i am both ;) because had this area of human rights been maintained there...
  5. DNAprotection

    California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

    ironically all that you claim about me is actually true about you DK and i think your well aware of that ;) truth, justice, human rights and 'progress' are all things that will continue to be unrealized on your path...folks know truth when they see or hear it, they also know bullshit, but they...
  6. DNAprotection

    California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill

    if you like getting screwed, and you like the sort of bullshit that's going on in Wa.Co., then that's a good plan DK, but if you want your natural rights back so that all the bullshit can stop, i think we are going to need a ballot measure...and not some measure dreamed up by normle or mpp...
  7. DNAprotection

    Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

    .......*like* :)
  8. DNAprotection

    Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

    agreed, and further more, jury duty is also part of the solution...your duty as a juror is to protect human rights..if there's no harm then there's no foul and one should not convict in those circumstances regardless of what the laws or the judges or the lawyers instruct.
  9. DNAprotection

    Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

    good job and congrats! power to the people, power to the people right on! :)
  10. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    is this where i'm should to say eat me? ;)
  11. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    protection of the genetic commons under the wing of human rights... simple acknowledgement of the human right to have seed and grow plants would probably have been helpful to these folks some time back when they got wangdoozeled into being a monsanto test plot of sorts, only these 'provisional...
  12. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    made me lol and feel ashamed all at i think a shower is in order...
  13. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    be it all what is either way, imo its way past time at least to reaffirm our natural human rights in this area of law. it would solve many problems and through this fundamental clarification it would also help us to deal with other legal problems/conflicts that spring up from technological...
  14. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    Dear Doer hoots correctly (this time ;)), it is strictly a Lake county proposal and we expect much would be a good thing if we could eventually put it on the State ballot where it belongs...of course it would also be nice and proper if it were a world standard. (lol)
  15. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    We filed yesterday...Now we have 15 days before we get back a title and summary, then we publish and gather signatures. In part, the birth of this effort was inspired by the folks here at RIU, and of course ya'll were the first witnesses to see or know of the proposed measure, so thanks :) Below...
  16. DNAprotection

    White House Petition to restore the human right to grow and use plants...

    Well we filed yesterday, now we have 15 days before we get back a title and summary, then we publish and gather signatures.Below is the final wording that was filed. Just wanted to keep you up to date, The People of the County of Lake, in the State of California, do hereby...
  17. DNAprotection

    Lake County 'right to grow plants' proposed ballot measure should be state wide...

    i understand...i cant stand reading laws or proposed laws either lol...but here is the best way to sum it up imo... "An Ordinance to restore the natural Human Right to grow and use plants for the basic necessities of life."
  18. DNAprotection

    Lake County 'right to grow plants' proposed ballot measure should be state wide...

    TWS that means a lot to us, thanks, this will probably end up like the horton story with my cohorts and i playing the dust speck that is to be boiled... but, we are here!
  19. DNAprotection

    Lake County 'right to grow plants' proposed ballot measure should be state wide...

    We filed today...Now we have 15 days before we get back a title and summary, then we publish and gather signatures.Below is the final wording that was filed. The People of the County of Lake, in the State of California, do hereby decree: 'The...
  20. DNAprotection

    Lake County 'right to grow plants' proposed ballot measure should be state wide...

    oh my, your misinformation spreading seems so habitual that even in a thread where proof of your lies are present and available to anyone, you still hold true to your ways... is the where, what and who drew first blood ;)