by sinking a concrete core into the earth's mantle and attaching an Atlas Rocket Booster fueled by pure oxygen, you should be able to increase the rotation of the earth by a significant enuf percentage to spped up time ... then you will be finished faster than you can imagine .... j/k ..... be...
I am seriously beginning to undersstand what u guys are talking about when ur smoking ur good shit ..... wow ... I'll bet I would really like the pscyho and real cheese. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
yea ... its a treat to go down just before ligthts on or after light out with an LED flashlight, but remember to toke first .... and then watch the dancing stars ..... its fukin unbelieveable ....
hey drg ..... many thanks for the visit, and thoughts. I know my experience with different...
a quick update .... the DQ and the PurpleGooey are both doing reasonably well considering the problems with ..... well let's see ..... watering, nutes, light, and heat .... pretty much covered the gammit on this part of the grow.
I still cannot get over the power and intensity of the DQ. Yes...
totally in the same place. Spent some time in Baja last winter .... very special .... quiet and secluded ... outta the way ... a grocery store, a kayak, and long walkinginging in the mountains and along the beach ... I do believe I'm gonna try that again this yezar ...
sounds like you got a plan and its working .... I have seen Costco has these amazing monitoring systems that some people have emplyed. Guess its a measure of the potential for risk and the cost of the protection against it .... good luck, all's well and looking awesome.
btw - this is place...
cool .... yea it does look very special. I have lived in the country most of my life until the last couple of years. I be hoping that by next summer I will be able to do the outdoor gro .... kudos and props to ya, big time. great pics. lovely garden. special place. special skills. special...
he coulda smoked oregano .... three weeks without a puff .... ready set go ...westie! lol!:eyesmoke: I'll be watching u pulling ur hair out! hahahaha! you do have hair, right, mr.westerlies? :mrgreen:
I'm staggering on .....simply astounding ... I can't imagine the warmth and feeling of sitting in that morning? glow with a hot cup of java after a wake'n'bake .... driking in all thaty the sensories would detect ... friggin awesome man!! (Oh, and I love the pink widow too ...( Great Work! Walk...