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  1. Zerox1215

    Help plant problems

    What can I do to the one that has been bleached.?
  2. Zerox1215

    Help plant problems

    It has been hot in LA... I'll feed them as soon as I can
  3. Zerox1215

    Help plant problems

    Help what's wrong with my plants.. [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
  4. Zerox1215

    Droopy 4ft plant

    Yea it has like 10 holes
  5. Zerox1215

    Droopy 4ft plant

    Yea it has like 10 holes
  6. Zerox1215

    Droopy 4ft plant

    [/IMG]My plant started drooping thought it needed water so i put some n it got purky but it's start to droop every 1-2 days now what can it be.? [/IMG]
  7. Zerox1215

    anyone order attitude oct promo

    I got all my seeds plus all promo seeds last Friday..
  8. Zerox1215

    Attitude Seedbank - The October Funk Promo

    Finally getting ur seeds 2day
  9. Zerox1215

    Attitude Seedbank - The October Funk Promo

    You'll get it.. I got it yesterday..
  10. Zerox1215

    hwo to tell if buds are to dry?

    Or a little piece of tortilla also works
  11. Zerox1215

    Who wants to send me a Intivatation for Deminoid?

    Ur welcome......
  12. Zerox1215

    Who wants to send me a Intivatation for Deminoid?

    Pm sent Enjoy.....
  13. Zerox1215

    Who wants to send me a Intivatation for Deminoid?

    Did u get the code.?
  14. Zerox1215

    Here's ur demonoid invite code ZeroxZeroxXq5j25vyihbcz2j2b1kkax34qvmzt0vc9sl

    Here's ur demonoid invite code ZeroxZeroxXq5j25vyihbcz2j2b1kkax34qvmzt0vc9sl
  15. Zerox1215

    I just filled out my mail ballot and I voted ___ on PROP 19!

    I think if prop 19 passes it's going to lead to the rise of other drugs.. The only reason y young ppl use weed it's because it's illegal so if it gets legal all the young ppl r gonna wanna try illegal drugs instead if legal ones.. But that's jus my two cents
  16. Zerox1215

    Attitude October promo droped Blueberry Gum?

    Maybe they confiscated ur seeds.? N that's jus a big maybe..
  17. Zerox1215

    Attitude October promo droped Blueberry Gum?

    Where u from.? I'm from LA n got them in 8 days I ordered them on the 1st
  18. Zerox1215

    Attitude October promo droped Blueberry Gum?

    I jus got my seeds with all Oct promo seeds
  19. Zerox1215

    Drying buds in a hot climate, crispy after 2-3 days.

    Same here the weather here in LA was mid 90's when I harvested my plants they dried in 3 days I put them in jars n they felt all fluffy the next day so I dumped them n put them in a brown paper bag for one day then put them back in the jars the next day they felt a little denser..
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