I'm going to leave them in the shotglasses until about noon tomorrow. Then I'm going to plant them and spray the soil with clean Ph'd water to keep it moist until they sprout.
does that sound okay?
yeah, that's kind of what I figured.
that was my original intention... They are being...
yeah, they definitely didn't send me that.
I think I've seen some shady reviews on both of those strains in the grow journal section here. Search it and see for yourself... I can't say I'm 100% sure.
Yeah, I still haven't grabbed any cal/mg. I put so much money into my grow and seeds I'm not gonna have any spendable dough for awhile... Got plenty of sour diesel though.
what exactly does the root stim do? And what brand would you recommend for the cal/mg and root stim?
it's my first grow...
okay... I'm starting them in their final 1gal pots, so I can't really do the bathtub thing.
when I put them in the soil, do I turn the lights on to their permanent lighting cycle? Or how much light, if any, should they get while germinating in the soil before they break ground??
hey I started my grow journal... It's in the link in my sig.
super disappointed that the short stuff mix pack came with 20 unlabeled seeds. I asked them if each strain was labeled and they said they were, so I got 2 packs of them... I'm going to have a really hard time using these without...
should the soil be wet, or moist when I drop em in?
and do you just soak 24hrs and plant? Or should I wait to see a taproot?
also, do I count today as day one? Or is ground breaking considered day one?
sweet man... Sound delish... I just got some of these as freebies from attitude...
finally started my grow... Click the link in my sig if you're interested... No pics yet.
I really don't know... Most people go by how heavy the pots are I think... If they are still wet, are you sure the pots have adequate drainage?
finally started my grow... Click the link in my sig if you're interested... No pics yet.