Yeah,I was tryin to help a guy and a Smart a$$ just had to run off at the mouth.What i told him would`t have hurt.Even tho I didn`t know the bottom end problem.The guy could have gotten together with me and worked it out.Now I`M PISSED.Good luck with all thats goin on!!!!!!!Drifter
Thanks I Needed That.If we coulda got together on this befor,there wouldn`t be a bad REP on my file..THANKS OH buy the way......If you look at post 13 and I mean a close look.You`ll see that I said DEPENDING ON LOAD.I wasn`t wrong.thanks for all the help..............................
Like I Said .I`m Old and forgotten alot.Sorry for bein da fly in the molasses.It seems all is well now.Sorry for any hard feelings.Maybe between us both.We can get this guy growin like crazy..GL Barry
Tell her to take Morphine 45mg.4 times a day for a couple of years and stop for a day or to.That`s when da bitch comes out.And I mean in a BAD WAY.Give Me Death any day
LOOK I told him to get 10/3 okay.I`m a Marine certified electrician and a third class engineer.I wouldn`t do anything to hurt the guy.I`ve worked wireing and distribution out of 980KVA generators for years.I`m just trying to figure what he`s runnin that takes os much power..I know your smart.I`m...
I don`t know what he`s runnin.A 20/20 industrial or what???????I just went back and looked at his power distribution pannel.That looks SCARY.He can`t use the timer to seperate his power distribution from 220 to 110 unless he splits da legs on the 220
BULL SHIT .I run a 190 amp welder on 12/3 ALL DAY LONG.Truthfully tho he is rite about one thing.It wouldn`t hurt to know how much power your using.A good fluke meter would tell..