I really think that the people who say that Illadelph is overpriced are wrong. There is a reason why they are charged at a premium. I just picked up this Green Glass Chillum and it hits perfectly. I'd go as far as saying it's the best chillum I've ever owned. In terms of style and functionality...
Illadelph are one of my favourite glass producers. everyonedoesit.com just started pushing their products pretty hard. I always want so much illadelph but usually can't justify the price. However, everyonedoesit are running a black friday promo at the moment with 20% off all their products...
Illadelph make bowls for oils and concentrates. You can either get the 5 hole slide or the Hot hit slide. Both bowls are perfect for oil. You use them without gauzes or anything. It's just a glass bowl with holes around the side, but they're built really well. You can get them at...
Couldn't agree with you more Researchkitty, they are great pieces that maintain their value. It also has to be said that I wouldn't want to sell mine, I spent the money for a reason and I continue to enjoy pulling this thing!! :)
Placed a big order not long ago, and admittedly had my reservations due to similar threads. The order came through in 2 parts 3 days apart, which gave me a chance to change the Rasta bowl I ordered (I think it was you 'James' who I spoke to).
All in all I think every company should be in...
Wow! Can't believe the PR these are getting! Just thought I would add, I have had countless orders since I started 'collecting' beans, and had a delay in delivery once, but apart from that impeccable service every time.
I don't know guys these guys have been great with me so I keep my fingers...
Just seen this promo on everyonedoesit.com, and I read up on these seeds and they seem pretty good for freebies.
They are White Widow or Big Bud XXL by the ministry of cannabis.
But you do have to buy a pack of seeds first, but at £20 you can get some super high Blue Cheese and deal with the...
You know your a stoner if you would walk to the gas station at 3am, even though its over a mile away, just to buy a packet of papers and a can of soda.
Find something the gurl really likes i.e. shoes. Tell her you will stop smoking weed if she stops buying shoes. Try to compromise - chances are, she won't. Otherwise, stealth smoke... or say you will cut down and see what happens - would she compromise for you too?!...
Did you get the other seeds ok?.... I ordered over 7 different strains and got them in 3 different batches. I was ok with it though because customer services told me that trainwreck will be a while when I called... If you got the others I doubt they are scamming you... Try calling them they will...
I think instead of paying people £50 per week not to work the Uk government should pay an additional sum to workers who stay in jobs long term as a reward / incentive. I mean I am not a cynic but why are we paying people not to work? Instead of bailing out unemployed people the govt should pay...
I personally prefer greenhouse and dna genetics - i tried sharks breath not so long ago and it was the shizzle. I got them direct from greenhouse and through everyonedoesit both got delivered just fine and i got some free sees to try out as well which I was happy with :)
Has any one out there happened to stumble upon a tv programme called mongrels - its about puppets livin in london bbc3 i think. Try watchin that wen ur high - theres a funny clip wen a cat gets high of catnip (aka drugs) - quite amusing. If you havnt already seen it check it out, top class show...