Hmmm...well right now I have a dual Indoor/outdoor thermometer...the "indoor" part is in my flowering room with the humidity (at 30% right now) and the "outdoor" part is in the dome....I can't measure the two humidity's unfortunately so I will need to get something probably after this week. But...
thanks for all the help everyone...SR. Greensea I will try to get that thermometer/hydrometer soon
@ thami...yea I've been rolling the idea around in my head re: a clone machine..would love your blueprints since I"m "rolling on a budget too"
Again thanks all..
Hey kiki..great update, and yoru right now that I have the HPS myself I noticed some of the pics are a tad yellow..I"ll post some up today...sweet (SLH) dreams. :)
Hey all...trying to read though this thread but I thought you should all know my buddy and I made a ppm calculator but you have to tally each nutrient you use for total ppm...Hope this can help anyone who wants it out.
Nutrient Calculator
Hmm don't know how high the humidity is in their right, I know it's about 80* ATM and there's a TON of condensation in their..but to answer your other question yes I have them in a heat dome with the rapid rooter plug tray and a heating mat underneath..also a I open them open a few times a day...
Hello, this is my first grow and consequently my first cloning run. So far it's been 5 days and no roots yet. I know that it's just a matter of waiting but that's not what I'm entirely concerned about..I looked in the flood tray below the clones this morning and it pretty much bone dry. The...
@snow hmmm..probably about the same relative to yours being so much more wattage..I could move mine a hair down however if I do that the metal stakes would hit the light and I wouldn't be able to water/feed and let it drain into each plants own 5 gallon bucket.
@torn..I'll def have to move it...
Hey snow welcome to the party...which light are you referring to the main HPS or the T5 with the clones...either one is where I have it but let me know if you thnk it's too high..or low
Hmm good question howzer...I would think yes only b/c I know mine is good in other states...we got great 420 news here yesterday....18 of the 21 new apps (the first 25 were all thrown out by the Health Dept.) were now it's a matter of time before we have compassion centers...
I really don't want to give them anything right now since they're just clones. Also I don't think I"m going to scrap the film...I've seen so many people use it and to buy the amount of mylar I would need wouldn't be practical..thanks for the heads up though..makes me want to get my tent now...
I'm still not seeing any roots any of the clones I took Sunday. Kinda disappointed..yesterday I trimmed some of the clone leaves that were basically soft and mushy due to the fact that the first few days I waay over heated and waaay over water for compensation..BUT almost all of the 12...
kiki sorry to get back to you so late been busy between the clones and checking everything for flower...PPM isn't strickly for hydro (although I won't buy a PPM meter till I actually need one for that reason) but it's good to know your PPM when feeding if for nothing else just so you can...