Thanks rocknratm, can you tell me more about the possible tap water problems? I checked the pH and it seems to be okay, around 6.8, 7.0 at the highest. I've heard of something called ppm and "hard water " what exactly is that and how do you test it?
Can anyone recommend a safe fungicide for me to use? I found something called Oxidate, made by a company called Enviroselects. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Hi Jonas, thanks for replying. I water the plants with tap water (sits uncovered for at least 24 hours first) every 3ish days, when the soil looks and feels dry.
This problem began approximately 2 weeks ago, spreading up the plants from the bottom up, primarily affecting fan leaves. Overall...
My plants were growing great so I decided to sprout some additional (bag) seeds. Well a mutant grew up with horrible twisted discolored leaves and now a couple weeks later all of my plants have some really screwed up symptoms. Blotchy, brown, and black leaves all over.
I'm growing in soil...
I know your vacation is long over and this is an older post, but would you care to give a brief summary of how your plants did while you were gone? I know myself and I'm sure many others have the same problem (leaving for several days at a time). I'd love to know if your setup succeeded and if...