Found Dolomite Tablets
Crushed Those Up!
Watered the Ladies with it
and Foliar Sprayed them with it too....
Hope to see them better tonight.........
Next Grow I am defo gonna mix my own soil...........
Live & Learn & Grow
actually if you look BEHIND the lie: you see the actual intention is usually Good... You say 'nice dress' when you think its a horrible one .... You say 'delicious meal' when it was burnt and crispy.... Most people lie so that the truth won't hurt... so most lies are actually an attempt to keep...
... from my experience with Molasses... it is good to use a bit WITH the nutes... as the Molasses is good for the 'soil and so helps the roots have the best chance of taking up those nutes..... they go together very well......but my friend ONLY uses molasses and he grows some of the most amazing...
I had them once... in another house... and I took the plants into the shower and hand washed every leaf... and that seemed to work a charm... but then my bf got drunk and we had an argument and he thought it a great idea to saw the plants down and stuff them all in a bin bag and run off to his...