Wow, sounds a little risky man, Idk if there is fool-proof advice for a situation such as this.
That fan makes a hell of a sound when it turns on, if anyone is walking past your bedroom
door or near the room when that thing flicks on or off, its gonna be known. Is your housemate
Idk about that. GHS's Bubba is a Bubble Gum cross. We'll see in the finished product though.
Interesting. I have a 4x4 in my bedroom but it has T5's only (its for mothers), no HIDs, so no cooling is necessary,
only a POS outtake fan, but I'm tellin you its still pretty loud. If you have a...
Clone. Nope, this Bubba is of OG background, with relation to Chem Dog.
Bred for the smell and taste of a Chem with the growth and appearance
of a Kush, they did a sick job, it reeks like a diesel.
Where the ladder is in the first construction pic is where you can see the door frame
I made.
Once the dry wall is put up I used Velcro tape and did a cut out of the black/white polyethylene
which fit the door and made a plastic door. Just peel it open.
Just realized I had written...
Keep your salts low.
Metal Studs from home depot, I built a nice simple "wall" at my warehouse to section off
my veg room. They go together like an erector set, but on an industrial scale. Cost about
A pound from a 600 watt is standard in good conditions. One should be getting
2 pounds from a thowy watt... 1 is not standard from a 1000 watt.. A pound from
a 400 watt is a good production.
The tents aren't insulated and will hold no heat while the lights aren't on. If the building
is too cold in the off cycle, the tents will be as well.. Another problem with the tents
is the high humidity. Flowering in a tent is very hard, low ceilings, high humidity, tough to cool.
There's a...
Ya thats what mr "plasmolysis production" meant. Although Plasmolysis isn't a product, it's a process. Which occurs
due to plant respiration and proper turgor pressure, which is affected by air and root zone air/moisture ratio. Drooping
leaves can be due to lack of oxy, but usually the whole...
On the contrary, the slimmer tighter fit of the Daystar around the bulb actually "throws" the light
and creates broader spread, whereas the Radiant, being so large "catches" the light and directs it
downward. So if lightspread is the want, Daystar is your hood, if you are more for the...