My room was 30 degrees for about 2 days when the lights were off and not looking good is there anything i can do to help revive them other than fixing the temp problem of course they are like 3 or 4 weeks in 12 /12
If anyone see something im doing wrong please say somthing once my clones root i pot into solo cups under t5 and t8 lights then once they grow a bit i top them after i put them in gallons with osean forest fox farm and will top them one more time before i transplant them in to 3 and 4 gallon...
See i usually have been getting about a pound and a half dont know what im doing wrong i was letting my tap water sit for 24 hours and adjusting the ph but then found out that that dont work for city water any more so switched to my fish tank water using fox farm bigbloom nuts
Yea just started using fish tank water and allways got better yealds before when i used it. switched from fishtank water to just letting buckets sit 24 hours and adjusting the ph and crops were not as good
I got 50 plants about 6 or 7 inches tall in one gallons under 2 1000 watt hps lamps fresh air exchange. Whole room covored in mylar and those exhale c02 bags what ya think ill yeald
Have a few different sizes and ages of plants going. all doing fine but one batch all in 12 12one batch put on 12 hour a week or so after rooting in 2 gal bags doing good the other set been veging lot longer toped twice in 3 gal bags and the rest of the older ones got put in 2 gallon bags are...
I found out the prob I was using my soil that I use 4 bud cycle with no nutes in it and I'm veging started hiting them with veg nuts and misting with ph balenced water and everyone is lookin great
I wasent sprayin them with nothin till a few days ago and they were allready starting to die before that same with the ones before I was kinda thinkin the spider mites were the cause can they attack plants this way makin them slowly brown dry out and die
I just started sprayin them with water I was going to get some neem oil it seemed to do pretty good before all I know is everything iv been puttin in the room latly has been doin this and I'm doing everything the same as iv allways done with good results besides haveing lil more spider mites...
Like I said plant browning leafs dryin out and turning brown they are not growing. The last few plants I had did the same months befor I had bunches growing fine don't know what's goin on latley every plant I put in the room slowly browns and dies I do have spider mites iv had them befor but I...
no light leaking going on my 1000w bulb on that side had been thru like4 or 5 crops and i changed it like a month in to bud cycle and put a new one in thaught that couldev been the prob cuz the other side did fine with the newer bulb. have had some heat issues tho.i figued i still got a good 2...
some of my plants are over a month past there bud cycle and are not matureing not sure if i should cut down now or hang in there longer the buds are big but the leaves are all dead but the colas are fine just not maturing still have the white hairs no orange ones anyone know y this is happening